Two Moments (Always a success party)


Hardeep!” I shouted excitedly.

“Holy crap on a cracker! Why did you shout?”

Hardeep was just headed to sleep and I woke him up by my triumphant voice. “Don’t make me to be so hard to live with. “ He was not reckoning what I was going to offer him. “Hear me out! Why don’t we two go on a party tonight?” I made it too excited that even Hardeep stood on his feet.

“What party? Is it Formal or informal, Rocking or classy? What kind of party you are talking about?”

It was a bull’s-eye. He was getting into my trap. “You know as a part of the show, ‘behind the camera’, Director has invited me to attend the success party of our leading Daily Soap. How good is that! I completely forgot to tell you about it and guess what? There would be some girls, television personalities and who knows you would get laid with somebody.” This was enough to make Hardeep crave for that party.

“So…. what are we waiting for? Let’s go to the party.”

“There is a problem. I don’t have any formal suit to wear, do me a favor, you go to the party and if director will ask about me, tell him that I didn’t make up for tonight.” I didn’t want to go to party. So I made an alibi for that. But it was not my day. Hardeep insisted me to go with him being as a wingman. First I was invited, now was a wingman. “You worried about the suit? Man! There is a whole garment shop of mine. Come we will choose something nice for you to wear.”

You know sometime a good plan also has a flaw. I completely forgot that Hardeep is owner of a garment shop. It shows how frustrated I was on that time while making an excuse. So we both get into my car, went out for the shop and after that our destination was party. One thing was very good about this party topic, my friend was looking quite happy than afternoon. Our friendship is very complicated. Despite of his bad habits, Hardeep did help me in the school when no one was on my side. I am an orphanage child. Whole my academic career was financed through scholarships and sometime Hardeep. He never asked anything from me related to money. He is a real deal and I know that.

So we went to garment shop and then headed to the party. We were in half of our way then I saw a girl dressed up beautifully standing by a car. Car’s engine was smoking; maybe the radiator was warmed up. So I drove my car to the girl and surprisingly I knew her. She was ‘Nisha’, one of our leading daily soap actresses. She was also going on the same party. Her car got broke down so we gave lift to her.

As always Hardeep whispered to me, “She is hot as hell man. I am going to hit on her. Stop me if you can.” He was damn confidence about himself. “Ok go ahead, I will not stop you but mark my word she is not a normal girl. So be positive and strong, I know you lose your cool quickly.” My intention was just to make sure that I didn’t have to carry a crying Hardeep to home. “What do you mean by I lose my cool quickly?” He was still whispering. “Really, you want to talk about it now?” We were talking about this and Nisha spoke,” if may I interject in your secret conversation, there is a friend of mine which also coming to the party and her home is close now. I have called here so she must be standing on the road. We have to pick up her too.”

“Two girls in a row, today’s is not bad at all”.

I was talking to myself which I usually do on purpose to make myself anxiety free. “Maybe it’s your lucky day pal.” Hardeep whispered this but it seems that this time he was little bit louder, so to cover it up I changed the topic. “So…Nisha, right? It had been too long since we met each other. Have you recognized me?”

“Yeah, you must be that Script-writer from the AJ productions who met me and couldn’t speak a word out.”

Hardeep started laughing at that moment. “Yeah that must be him. I can bet on it”. Hardeep with his sarcasm and Nisha with her condescending behavior, party night had ruined up. “Excuse me, but you was not at that time, and it’s not good to laugh at anyone. He was having just a little bit anxiety that time”. For the first time a girl had taken my side. What a mix bag day that was. After a short while Nisha pointed outside for her friend. I pulled over the car and honked the horn.

“Why are you so late?” Nisha’s friend asked. “My car got broke down. Come on in they are also going to party.” Glares of traffic hid her face from the sight of my eyes. She sat in the car and I readjusted the rear view mirror, but unfortunately her hairs were covering her face. Why I was so curious to have a glimpse of her? Am I just having unintentional attraction towards her? I was unable to answer those questions. After a while Nisha broke the awkward silence. “She is my friend Ashina. She is MBA and working in a MNC.”

Ah! Ashina what a nice name, it made me more desperate to see her face. “Can I sit in front seat? I don’t feel much comfortable right here”. Ashina said and that made me feel out of the world. I stopped that car right over there. Hardeep also wanted to sit next to Nisha. You know what; it feels so good when things really go in your favor and that exactly what I was feeling on that time. So they both got out from the car to exchange the seat with each other. She entered into the car putting her legs first and her tight jeans really got me in grooves. Her silky hair, her funky bracelet and her white top was making her really beautiful. She turned out her face and my heartbeat stopped right there, sighting her beauty. She was damn gorgeous and her dorky eyeglasses on her short face, I was losing my nerves at that time.

As per having opportunity at the doorstep, Hardeep started the conversation with Nisha. His playboy charm was working and on full erection. “Did anyone tell you that, you have beautiful eyes?” A cheesy conversation starter was delivered by Hardeep. “Did anyone tell you that this line is too old to hit on a girl?” Nisha backfired on him. I smiled. Ashina was pretty silenced and keep looking in her cellphone. After a terrible fight with my thoughts I asked her, “Do you often use your mobile this much?” Ashina didn’t react on my question. I felt ignored and then I didn’t repeat that thing.

Awkward silence, no front seat talk and back seat was filled with two chatty persons, I was feeling bit boredom that time. So at last we reached to our destination. Party was at outskirts. There were celebrities, producers, directors, media and much more, anything that can be beneficiary for any aspiring actor/actress. We entered and then scattered into 2 units. One I and another unit were of Hardeep, Nisha and Ashina. I went to bar and leisurely sat to have a drink. The party was full on fire.

Director started the party with congratulating the crew member and star cast. He also awarded some persons for their best performance. I also got a prize trophy. After all the awards and speech, director announced his next project and stated that Nisha will be the leading actress in that project, which was a happy moment for her. Hardeep was clapping in the full mood cheering for her achievement, and after that there was a dance performance by Nisha and her co-star, so for that Nisha went backstage for her preparation. Hardeep came to me and said,” start saying ‘Bhabhi’ to Nisha as in future she will be my wife. I found my soul mate in her”.

“See, I don’t want to spill the beans but listen, you have several relationships in which you stated this line. So for me it’s nothing, you always through this kind of crap on me and end up crying like a baby.” I answered it as I knew that something bad was going to happen.

“Hey I am not a cry baby, just little bit emotional and your sarcasm really hurt me. On Nisha side I really got dibs on her.” Hardeep was so confident. “I bet you she will stomp on your heart and if she does so, you dare not come back to me in your cry baby mood and what you mean by you got dibs on her, no one is here rising as your competition.” “Hawww! How you can say that? She is so gorgeous, everyone here in this party looking for having a hit on her.”

“Ok you want to do this? Do it on yourself because I don’t want to be your wingman or the third wheel in this.” I was totally freaked out at that time because I have seen him in worst conditions of his life and I didn’t want to see him again like that. “No! You are not coming with me; I will do this by myself so sit back and enjoy the show because I am going to give her myself.”

So after about 20 minutes Nisha performed on the stage. She was very good in her dance moves and his co-star was also doing very well, but there was only one person enjoying so much and that was “Hardeep”. I didn’t know what he was thinking that time, I mean there were several relationships of him with different type of girls. Even I haven’t written more scripts than his relationships. I mean there was no competition but if it been he had won surely.

Performance ended and hall filled up with appreciation and a big round of applause. Hardeep was waiting for a second chance to have a conversation with Nisha. She came back after changing her attire and Hardeep bounced up in the way of her to have little bit chit chat. They stand together at bar. I was standing at few steps. Then a miracle happened and Ashina came to me and stood alongside at bar. She was silence, I was silence, no one was talking to each other so bar-attender gave us a kick start,” what drink you want to have mam?” he asked so gracefully that Ashina lifted her head up and said,” One mountain dew can please.” I am sorry mam this is a cocktail oriented party, we don’t serve soft drinks here.” Bar attender replied. “Hmmm…. Ok then, I would like to have a Adam Surprise.” Bar attender got confused. “Pardon ma’am.” “Don’t you know about Adam Surprise? It’s a vodka drink with lemonade concentrate and lots of sugar. I have a sweet tooth.” Bar attender and even I got shocked by his answer. Her voice was very mesmerizing. I lost in her voice so deep that bar-attender was asking for my order and I was just kept staring at her and making her feel uncomfortable. He asked forcefully,” Sir! What drink you want to have?” I thought to play smart there so I replied, “I don’t have any specific knowledge about the drinks so I will have exact what this lady want.” She noticed me. It was unintentional. I responded to his question because I was not in myself seriously. She laughed and I just kept staring down, but when I lifted my head she was holding a drink in her hand which was for me. “You are so shy.” She said.

“I think this is a bit of over judgment for a first time meeting.” I had promised myself that if she came and began a conversation with me, I will be fully confident, so that what I was doing on that time. “I am not passing a judgment. I said that because you were so passive the whole time. You haven’t spoken a single word even in the ride.” She made her point. “I was not talking in ride? Actually you were engaged in your cell phone so much that I didn’t even think to disturb you at that time.”

“I do? So silly of me, actually I was messaging to my mom.” She explained. “No, there is no need of explaining yourself. I have taken that in way as sometime people don’t like to talk on first meeting.” I made myself clear. “So honest and straight you are. “I never met a person like you in my whole life.” Those magical words from her were kept echoing in my ears.

“What you two little birds are doing here?” and the magic gone. Hardeep interrupted our conversation which was about to land on the topics island. She felt little bit annoyed and left the bar and went to back stage, perhaps to meet Nisha? “So you are enjoying the party?” Hardeep asked me. “I was, but now I am not.” sarcasm was the key to bring Hardeep back on track. He was little bit drunk and enjoying the party very much. “What happened? Did I do something stupid?” He showed little bit tension on his face. “Oh! I see, I came in, interrupted your conversation with that pretty lady and now you are sulking on me. Dude, you are in freaking love or a strong attraction.” Now it wasn’t Hardeep that talking at that time, all the alcohol was talking. But that was true, I was feeling little bit of attraction towards Ashina. “It seems you are not enjoying the party. You know what I hate this kind of company.” Nisha came and alongside her was Ashina. “No it’s not like that; I am not a party boy. Hardeep is a hard rock party boy; just the guy you want.” I pushed Hardeep ahead towards Nisha, and they both went on dance floor. “You are not going there, what’s the matter?” I asked Ashina with a sarcastic face. “naah! In this matter I am quite similar to you. I don’t like these parties either.” She replied in a sarcastic tone. “Hey, if you are here just to give me a company, I guess you don’t have to do this.” I further added to conversation. “No, it’s not like that, I mean Nisha is busy dancing with your friend. I don’t have any dance partner to dance with.” She turned to me and stared at me with her big eyes from those dorky glasses. She was looking too cute. “aham! If you don’t mind, I can join you.”

I gathered all my will power and emotions to say those words. It was not an easy job for me. She smiled and I extended my hand towards Ashina and she calmly put her hand in my palm. Her hand was soft like rose petals. I was staring in her eyes and we headed to dance floor. A romantic number played by DJ and we were slow-dancing on that track. I was feeling some strong connection between her and me. “You are a good dancer. You actually know how to hold a girl in your arms.” A compliment from the person you just started to like, I am telling you it made my day. I forgot about all my worries and bullshit that I have faced earlier on that day related to Hardeep. I was speechless at that time. So to cover my emotions I just smiled at her.

“Hope you all are enjoying this party. Dinner will be serving soon. Please join us.” Music stopped but we were there at dance floor holding each other hand. Nisha and Hardeep came to us,” Hey, music stopped now you can spare each other.” Ashina slightly blushed and I released her hand. “I am so hungry after dancing, let’s eat. “There should be some Biryani and Kheer, I will love to eat that.” Hardeep, Biryani and Kheer have a vast history. He is an always hungry fellow for these two items. Actually he was half Punjabi from his father side and half Muslim from his mother side. His father was martyred in a war and he is living with his mother. When his father uses to come at home on his vacation, he usually cooks kheer for Hardeep and on the other side his mother always cooked Biryani, just for a naughty competition. Then Hardeep was always a judge and he use to taste both dishes and announce a winner. Hardeep always invited me to that competition and I use to enjoy that with Biryani and Kheer. It was always a tough decision for him to declare a winner and the best part was he never done that in his childhood. But when he had received his father corpse wrapped in national flag, he cried so hard and said those words which I always remind ‘father, I am so sorry, please don’t leave me, I swear I will declare you a winner, please come back. You always told me that in when I was your little baby I have a sweet tooth, please father I don’t crave my whole life for you kheer.’ He was broken and shattered from core of his heart. That was the reason he indulges himself in all other activities like relationship, partying and living the life like a playboy.

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