Play-Along-Pocalypse Season 1! STEEM-POCALYPSE Season 6 Day 1 Round 1!

Want to play STEEM-POCALYPSE but missed out on the sign-up? Want to play but you're not sure about the rules and would like to learn how to play in a less competitive setting? (Or are you shy and don't want to learn in front of so many players?) Have you already been killed off in STEEM-POCALYSE but would like to keep playing? (Are you still alive in the current season of STEEM-POCALYPSE but want to goof around with your fellow players some more?)

Then this is the game for you!

The Rules for Proper Gameplay:

-- Players must reply within 24hrs of this post being made or they will die.

-- Players must reply to the comment below containing the option they would like to choose for gameplay. If they reply to the main post and not the comment containing the option they would like to choose, they will die.

-- Players must keep track of their own inventories and when they last ate/when they must eat again to avoid starvation.

-- -- EXAMPLE:

I have one backup food supply, rope, 6 ammo (no gun), I ate some berries on Day 3 Round 2, and I choose Option 3!

-- -- -- As this is the first post for this season, there is currently no inventory to keep track of. However, that will change soon and when it does, make sure you keep track of your inventory!

-- -- -- -- Any attempts at dishonesty when listing your inventory will result in immediate death.


-- In Play-Along-Pocalypse, you do not have to signup to play. In STEEM-POCALYPSE, all players must signup for the current season ahead of time. Only those that signed up are allowed to play in the current season.

-- In Play-Along-Pocalypse, death is temporary and you may play again on the next game post. In STEEM-POCALYPSE, death is permanent and you must wait until the next season to play again.

-- In Play-Along-Pocalypse, you may join us at any point in the game. Meaning, if you didn't play with us in the beginning, you're still welcome to join in and start out on whatever the current round is. If you didn't play in Day 1 Round 1, Day 1 Round 2, Day 2 Round 1, Day 2 Round 2, you are still welcome to join us in Day 3 Round 1. (If you join later on in gameplay, I will provide you with a small inventory of items.) In STEEM-POCALYPSE, you MUST begin playing on Day 1 Round 1 and MUST reply to every game post within 24hrs of it being posted or you will die and have to wait until the next season to play again.

-- -- In Play-Along-Pocalypse, I will be enforcing the reply within 24hrs to a game post. Since death is temporary in Play-Along-Pocalypse, the only real consequence is that you will miss out on whatever inventory you might've gained in the missed post and you will miss out on eating if one of the options provided a meal.

-- In Play-Along-Pocalypse, if you're not playing the game, you're allowed to comment and interact with people in the comments of the game posts anyways. In STEEM-POCALYPSE, commenting on game posts when you are not playing is not only VERY RUDE but it's against the rules and creates more work for @Papa-Pepper and myself. So please don't idly chat on STEEM-POCALYPSE posts, come chat on Play-Along-Pocalypse posts instead.

-- In Play-Along-Pocalypse, I'll be posting a list of all the players that played correctly in the previous game post. They will be the 'survivors'. Those that do no play correctly will not be listed. Play-Along-Pocalypse is for learning how to play the game and to have fun and be much more relaxed while learning the game. In STEEM-POCALYPSE, a list of the survivors and a list of the fallen are posted every day.

-- In Play-Along-Pocalypse, there is no prize pool to win. Why? Because this is a learning experience and for fun. In STEEM-POCALYPSE, there's not only a prize pool, but it can grow to be quite large. However, those unable to play the official game correctly will not win the prize pool. If you want to win potentially hundreds or thousands of dollars, you need to be able to follow the game rules on your own if you want to win the money.

-- In Play-Along-Pocalypse, if you die for some reason, I will inform you of your demise and the reason for it, and you can try again on the next game post. In STEEM-POCALYPSE, if you die, you die. Try again next season.


-- In Play-Along-Pocalypse, I highly encourage you to ask all the questions you want or need. I will answer them to the very best of my ability.

-- In Play-Along-Pocalypse, I highly encourage you to interact with each other and to have fun.

-- I also highly encourage you to get creative and to leave your STEEM-POCALYPSE/Play-Along-Pocalypse inspired creations in the comments below.

-- Roleplaying is highly encouraged.

I am the Record Keeper for STEEM-POCALYPSE and Play-Along-Pocalypse has been approved by @Papa-Pepper himself.

Why am I doing this? You can find that here.


The Official STEEM-POCALYPSE Season 6 Day 1 Round 1 Post by @Papa-Pepper

Death! – Mayhem! – Gunfire! – Explosions! – Violence!

Everywhere you search you see nothing but the same. Man, television just isn’t what it used to be. Suddenly, without you getting so frustrated that you shut off the television, the screen flashes black and the lights turn out too. They never came back on. That was two months ago now…

Day 1 Round 1 SCENARIO

Since then, things have gotten increasingly worse. The sewers backed up and soiled just about everything. The stores and warehouses were looted and then burned. Cops and emergency-responders for the most part gave up by the end of the third day and joined in on the mayhem.

You have been holed up in an apartment. It wasn’t safe to stay at home, and most of your neighborhood had been torched. You took whatever food and water you could and found a place to lay low, which was working great, until now.

So many survivors and groups of thugs have been running about fighting it out over whatever goods are still left, and some survivors have even turned to cannibalizing. These are desperate times indeed, and your number is just about up.

Someone is hard at work attempting to break into the apartment that you are hiding in. You had never made a move to get out of the city yet because you thought that it was too dangerous, but now, it has become too dangerous to stay here. The pounding becomes louder, so you look around for anything else that is useful.

Your food ran out late last night, and you really don't have any resources. Hesitantly, you open the bedroom window and climb out onto the fire escape. Out here, you are an open target for snipers, but you haven’t heard any gunfire yet today. Perhaps they just haven’t had a target yet.


As you close the window and begin your climb down to the street, someone kicks open your door. You make it down to the street quickly enough that you miss the opportunity to find out who, and you race around the corner.

Options are limited, but it is too bright out to move very far. In a few miles, you can reach the edge of the city and escape into the woods, but your odds of survival may not be any better there. Still, you’ll have to set small goals and press on into order to survive. Hopefully you can find a place to hide until it becomes a little later in the day and a little harder to see.

With no electricity, there will be less light. If you find a good place to hide, you may even be able to look for useful resources while you hide… but where?

There is no one following you at the moment as far as you know, and whoever kicked in the door upstairs may have moved on to the next apartment by now, never knowing that you had been in there. Okay, let’s hide, but where?

Across the street is a box van, with no windows in back. Up the street is a flower shop that looks burned to the core and has all the windows busted out. Down the other way, there is a large tree with a lot of leaves…


*OPTION 1 - Try to hide in the van until nightfall and search it for useful items while you are there.

*OPTION 2 – Try to hide in the flower shop until nightfall and search it for useful items while you are there.

*OPTION 3 – Try to hide in the tree until nightfall and search it for useful items while you are there.


All players who have signed up and want to play must reply to this post with 24 hours in order to avoid elimination and continue gameplay. All players must reply to my option comment below, not to this post. I will reply to my own posts with the options each in their own comment, and the players must reply to whichever comment has the option that they wish to choose.

A Special Thanks to @liberty-minded for Providing the Title Gif.

We have a Discord server where you can chat and discuss STEEM-POCALYPSE among other things.

Alright guys, let's have some fun!

Play-Along-Pocalypse Starts Now!

EDIT: Here's the Live Spreadsheet for Play-Along-Pocalypse Season 1 STEEM-POCALYPSE Season 6 for anyone that would like to keep track of gameplay and such like the STEEM-POCALYPSE Season 6 Spreadsheet.

Players will be added to the Play-Along-Pocalypse spreadsheet as they join the game.

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