Splinterlands 2.0: Helping The New Players


Splinterlands 2.0 Helping The New Players.jpg

Splinterlands have been updating the game for the previous months and it is amazing to witness their game updates. With that, I have a concern that maybe new players or beginners will be confused about the current Splinterlands interface because the pasts videos and posts are about the old Splinterlands' interface. So in order to help them, we are going to discuss the Splinterlands Guide 2.0: Helping The New Players.


Game interface serves as the game menu. On this, you can see what the game offers to its players. Splinterlands upgraded their game interface months ago in order to give their players the best gaming experience they deserve. With that, they added new game features in the game that captured the interest of many. These are:

  • HELP

These four have/are the biggest update in Splinterlands.


The Battle icon is the most interesting icon in Splinterlands. The new update is Battle icon are the two types of Rank Battle that players can enter: The Modern and Wild Rank.


  • MODERN - Modern Rank Battle only allows the use of cards from the newer editions. Only the Chaos Legion, Dice, Untamed, Reward & Promo Cards with Untamed or Chaos Legion Style Frame are all considered. This rank battle encourages the new players to choose this kind of rank battle so that they will not be overpowered by older players using the older versions of cards.
  • WILD - Wild Rank Battle allows the use of all cards, including the old card versions. This encourages the old and new players to battle each other. It has a wider range of opponents which is a disadvantage to the new players.

Here are the things that you should know about the Modern and Wild Rank Battles:

  • Collection Power on both ranks are not separated. The collection power is still based on the cards that players owned and rented.
  • The chest tier reward is based on the higher rank that the player achieved between the two rank battles (Season Reward and Daily Focus Reward).
  • The reward points that players obtained from the two rank battles will be summed up and added to Daily Focus and Season Rewards.
  • To earn rewards, the player's rank should be at least Bronze III. This applies separately to Modern and Wild Rank.
  • Leaderboard prizes for the two rank battles are separate. This gives the players an opportunity to gain two different Leaderboard prizes in Modern and Rank Battles.
  • The Challenge and Practice Battles are all in Wild Format. Modern Format will not be applied.
  • Brawl battles will also be in Wild Format.
  • For Tournaments, Modern and Wild Format will be applied as well.

For a detailed explanation, here is my source Modern & Wild Ranked Formats. Not all information is stated. I only included the important things that new players must know.


Lands has been one of the biggest projects of Splinterlands. They planned it for more than a year and finally, they released it to the players. In order to have land in Praetoria, the existing Region, Tract or Plot must be converted to Unsurveyed Deeds. The land claim redemption will start at number 001, and followed by 002, and so on.


The discussion about lands is pretty technical so I am not going to discuss it in full detail since the main purpose of this content is to just serve as a guide to beginners. But, if ever you want to know more the Lands, just visit The Journey to Praetoria Begins!.



Soulkeep is one of the new features in Splinterlands. This game is more like a tower defense game (based on what I read) and the beta state of this game is composed of 20 levels. Also, the setup of this game is a magic-type game so be ready for amazing graphics and sounds that the game will offer. As this new feature game of Splinterlands continues, new levels will be released but it still depends on the performance of the game to the market. So far, only selected players are allowed to play the beta version of the game. With that, better stay tuned for more information that they will release in the future. For more information about this, visit Soulkeep: Splinterlands Tower Defense.


Help icon is the most useful icon here in Splinterlands. There are already Help icon in the past game interface of Splinterlands but the difference now is that the Help icon today is more informative compared to the previous one.


The photo above is the Help interface which offers many helpful buttons for the users.

  • Getting Started button where you can gather information on the basics of the game like the decks, battle, mana, and many other basic information in Splinterlands.
  • Game Play & Rewards button contains the rewards information, advanced gameplay, ruleset, and monsters' abilities. This could help you study the abilities that each monster has and determine when is the best time to use their abilities.
  • Guilds and Tournaments button will show you information about tournaments, guild basics, guild buildings, and guild brawls. These will help you on what tournaments to take and guide you on your journey with your guilds.
  • Cards & Packs & Items button will show you the FAQ about Cards, especially to the new released cards. Also, this button contains rentals, items, and land information. This section will really catapult your game advantage to the next level if you browse and read its contents.
  • Purchase & Transfers button contains the purchase information and item transfer guides. This starts from purchasing a spellbook to how to withdraw SPS to Crypto.com. I promise that if you want to get the money you earn from this game, then you better visit this section in Splinterlands Help.
  • Account Management & Keys button will help you for your account management, key management, identity verification information, and discord and telegram of Splinterlands. These will help you to secure your Splinterlands account and gain connection with the Splinterlands Amazing Team through Discord and Telegram.
  • Tech Support Guides button contains the troubleshooting information and how to create a support ticket. You're gonna need to read this section in order to have some idea on what to do when there is a problem.
  • Blockchain Basic contains SPS & DEC information and the Liquidity Pool information. This will give you backgrounds on the token or cryptos you need to earn in the game. Having the knowledge about this game will help you know when to hold or withdraw.
  • Soulkeep button contains the information you need to know about Soulkeep. This could add up to the previous information presented by Splinterlands on their blog.
  • Submit a Request button guides you on your unclassified concerns presented on the previous buttons. It will help you submit a request so that the Splinterland Support Team may assist you. And I promise, it is very easy to get in touch with them.

Splinterlands Help button also offers articles that can help you with your concerns. So make sure to check them out!


As the days go, Splinterlands Team are ensuring that players will enjoy their time playing their game. It showed on the improvement they made with the game. With the new features and offers, this catapults Splinterlands into a higher level of entertainment. With that, I definitely expects that in the future, Splinterlands will go big and will create more improvements in the game. Hopefully players would continue to support this amazing NFT Game.

So that's all guys! Thank you for reading my blog. See you again next time.


Do you want to play Splinterlands too? Just click this REFERRAL LINK and see you on the magical world of Splinterlands.

Disclaimer: The first image was edited from canva. The other photos are not mine, they are from Splinterlands, to the internet, and to the rightful owners.

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