QiQi Rides Her Two Wheel Bike On The Open Road For The First Time!

QiQi is constantly learning, evolving and progressing in life via her passion and creativity!

You can see her learning to ride a two wheel bike in the last couple posts. They are worth a check out for sure yet in summery she learned to ride the two wheel bike in just a couple hours. 

It quickly became one of her favorite activities


Just a couple days later she was ready for a ride out on the open road!

She is confident and empowered even in her first time out on the double lane roads with cars, trucks, dogs and the "dangers" of the streets. This is in large part due to me being involved and with her in the relationship we have, yet she is still taking charge of her life in competent and conscious ways. 

I hope you begin to get a glimpse in to the natural life of   freedom  we enjoy in The Garden of Eden and get a taste of what it is   like to  live in a community of people supporting and protecting each   other.  I @quinneaker   created  this account in trust, to share QiQi-Power and to give QiQi a   way to be  be responsible for supporting her own dreams  and desires.    She comprehends and is excited to work for and create things for   her self   she wants. She wants an Ipad to create art with, make  videos,  and research her interests. She is  already learning sign  language  as well  as  new songs every day. I will be posting her chosen  content   and  perspective as well as represent for her here, having    sole control of   the account and all  activity on it. I have done  this   because of the  laws of children  having social media  accounts  and   access. This is set  up in trust for her future and thus    must    survive to be of any  worth. She has decided to power up all SP  to     make Steemit better  and to invest in  her future trust.  All liquid   Steem will be put  twords her Ipad or the dolls that she wants. She    will trade that Steem  to a   Steemian in  exchange for the ipad when   she saves enough.  She is already  working on more art pieces, as she   says "I love making  Steemit  posts." This account is intended   to give QiQi a creative outlet  and opportunity to make her own way and    achieve her dreams. 

Until Next Time SteemOn!

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