1. Plastic – Problems & Tips

Right here. Right now.

Where do we begin this article? It feels almost hopeless to try to change this plastic world when you look at the news today. You can look in any direction right know and I’m sure you will see at least one object that is made from plastic.

There are tons of YouTube videos and documentaries on how plastic is harming and taking over the world and our oceans. I understand that going cold turkey by not using any plastic isn’t something many of us are willing to do. It is not easy. Not at all.

We have to start somewhere.

For me it started a couple of months ago, when I first heard about the problems we are facing. I started implementing small changes in my day to day life. I brought a tote bag and put it in my handbag so that I couldn’t forget it when I was out shopping. I bought a toothbrush made out of bamboo. I reuse empty glass jars. I bought a reusable BPA-free water bottle. But this is not enough for me personally. Because I still have A LOT of plastic that sneaks in to my household every day. I have a whole list of things I could change to use less plastic.

Look at the label of your clothing for plastic ingredients like acrylic, nylon, …
Use reusable bags/paper bags/jars when shopping for foods like apples, nuts, potatoes, etc (anything you usually put in plastic bags).
Take a reusable cup/bottle with you so that you can use that one instead of a plastic Starbucks cup. Some coffee shops will even give you a discount if you use your own bottle.
If you have children or have to buy a gift for a child. Try to find toys that are not plastic.
Mobile covers: I lost count on how many plastic covers I have used for my Iphone. Buy cases made of eco friendly material.
Eco friendly and biodegradable products. This goes for shampoo bottles, ketchup bottles, interior, sunscreen bottles, make-up packaging, Q-tips, wipes, etc. Let’s try to find the companies who make their products in an eco friendly way and are biodegradable.
#plogging : Maybe you’ve heard about this hashtag before. If not, it’s a hashtag people use when they are jogging or walking around and combine that with collecting trash along the way.
“Straws and plastic bags see less than an hour of use
before spending an eternity polluting our world’s oceans.”

Destiny Hagest on avocadogreenmattress

I noticed that the larger part of my plastic consumption comes from my groceries. Almost every product is covered with plastic. We did a little challenge to see how much plastic there is left after we bought our groceries. We bought our usual food with the least amount of plastic around it.



At first we thought we didn’t have that much plastic to show you. But when we took off all plastic possible, we were baffled with the amount of waste on the table, and this was just the plastic waste … These are the monthly groceries for two people. If this was reusable/biodegradable plastic, it would be tolerable. But right now it goes straight to the bin.

Vote with your money!

Ask your local store if they are willing to reduce the amount of plastic around the product they sell. Try to buy the products with the least amount of plastic packaging. The companies will notice a huge change if more people demand less plastic by buying the products that have less or no plastic. Women are the ones who usually run the household and have the most say in how the money is spent. So they have a huge control of the economy at home and in the world.

I love educating myself, here are some websites and social media that educated me.


Netflix : A Plastic Ocean
Youtube: How the oceans can clean themselves: Boyan Slat at TEDxDelft

The Zero Waste Collective
Zero Waste Nest


Please feel free to give us your tips and tricks on how to reduce plastic!

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