Plastic Surgery: 4 Amazing Facts you Probably didn’t know!

Plastic surgery around the world has expanded over the years, driven by innovation, new and safe procedures promising nearly perfect results. Even today, the very term “plastic surgery” is deemed for the rich however the techniques pioneered by surgeons have an amazing history. Let’s have a look at some fascinating facts about the industry you probably never heard of.

1. It has nothing to do with “plastic”##

The evolution of plastic surgery as documented dates back all the way to the 16th century when Gaspare Tagliacozzi; an Italian physician successfully recreated damaged nose of a patient from the tissue extracts of inner arm.

By the mid-19th century, certain leaps such as anaesthesia and sterilisation revolutionised the procedures such as full-fledged nose replacement and more. This was the time when plastic surgery wasn’t formally identified a branch of medicine despite its apparent potential.

2. Breast augmentation: A history longer than imagined

The first successful breast augmentation was more of a reconstructive surgery than cosmetic. This is due to the patient having a history of large tumour and portion of the left breast surgically removed. Vincenz Czerny; a German surgeon used a sizeable Lipomas; a fatty benign tumour from the patient’s back for reconstruction of the breast. While this happened in 1895, the next 70 years were devoted to come up with a more viable solution for commercial breast implants.

Frank Gerow; a resident and surgeon in Houston first came up with silicone implant in early 1960. Successful experiment was performed on a dog however the implants were removed after achieving optimistic results. Plastic surgery in the UAE nowadays recognises breast augmentation as an important procedure performed on women.

3. Modern-day reconstructive surgery evolved during World War I

The introduction of anaesthesia and antisepsis allowed plastic surgeons to perform complex procedures by early 1900s but the real challenge came forth at the time of World War I. Soldiers and even civilians witnessed injuries never seen before and it provided a platform to perform advance procedures. Contribution of Harold Gillies is highly praised as he’s also considered father of modern plastic surgery.

Medical history revealed that more than 11,000 skin and muscle grafting procedures were performed on approximately 3,000 soldiers for consecutive eight years between 1917 and 1925. Since antibiotics didn’t existed at that time, Dr. Gillies came forth with yet another promising invention that is the tube pedicle or “walking-stalk skin flap” technique. Thousands of patients were spared from infections following the technique.

4. Plastic surgeon performed the first organ transplant

Most people don’t consider transplantation a part of plastic surgery however, it does involve limited techniques namely reconstruction and reattaching the nerves and tissues. In fact, the very first successful organ transplant of the kidney was performed in 1954 by Joseph E. Murray; a renowned plastic surgeon. He was praised for treating burn victims and those with facial disfigurement but the transplant was totally revolutionary and awarded a Nobel Prize in 1990.


There’re many different amazing facts defining plastic surgery in the UAE and probably around the world but the above are totally radical.

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