Tips for Best Employee Appreciation and Motivations!

If you think that your juniors are expecting a holiday trip as a token of appreciation from you; well you might be leading a wrong track! Well, exceptions are always there, but, quite honestly, appreciation at work is not about getting a 50% raise or a holiday in Malaysia!

If you are a manager leading a team of executives under you, you must be aware of the fact that motivation and appreciation is the only key to get the real work done from them! And why not! Every professional deserves a stage of respect and reputation for his endless dedication followed by professional ethics.
If you are not sure how to really motivate your employees, the following tips and tricks are a perfect solution to your

Make them feel Important!

Sometimes your employees just need a time out! We all are humans and we all love the warmth of significance and importance, don’t we! The same is true for our employees too! Managers or seniors must appreciate even the small efforts that employees are dedicating out of their limits.

It is because of those ‘out of the zone’ efforts that make a real difference in the prospectus. And thus, one must make their employees feel important and ho significant they are for the growth of the company.

Lead them, don’t boss them!

You know the most annoying habit of a boss? Taking a credit away from his employees! I am sure; we all have been there when we thought of punching our bosses (not literally!). And this reality can only be changed when boss stops being boss and start the journey of being leaders.

Leaders always take the back seat and let their employees enjoy the credit of their hard work and professional dedication they have put out to the industry. It can be achieved in many ways:

Encountering them with encouraging words
Presenting token of plaques for their dedication
By simply announcing their victories in the office!

Precious doesn’t mean Expensive!

Every employee wants to feel the preciousness in the office. But managers, sometimes relate this thought to an expensive gesture. To be honest, the gesture doesn’t have to be expensive at all! Sometimes just a bar of chocolate handed over to an employee from the VP of the company is a moment of pride in itself!

Understand them!

I personally believe that if an extraordinary employee is unable to deliver his/her responsibilities, there might be a considerable story behind! He/she might be going through a trauma or probably a death in the house! We never know. But taking them out really helps them as well as the firm in a positive direction.

If an individual is thrown on the dark side of his/her life; it is crucial to help them. And the best way to realize the same is by understanding the criticalness of their situation and come to a collection solution!

A personal problem might be a conflict, but if professional attributes are affected by the same; the necessary step must be taken! For a firm to grow with tremendous success and revenue building, every segment of the structure must be appreciated!

And that’s what annual corporate functions are really about! Such a culture is admired and appreciated by every employee as they enjoy the victory to a great level. Every employee in the company is important and plays a vital and unique role in the success and growth of the firm.

Senior positioned employees, hence, must realize that it is because of their junior staff that they are called seniors in the office today! Everyone deserves respect and everyone must be served the same too!

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