One of Many Things That Brings Happiness

I do not even know why one day I had the urge to go and buy a succulent plant but there I was standing in home depot hovering over the vast amount of small plump plants. I thought they were just quaint and simple and would be a 'cute' touch to my apartment. I live in a state with very extreme temperatures in the winter and with lots of snowy cloudy days, I have had a hard time finding plants that are hardy enough to tough out the 7+ months of bitterly cold. I ended up getting a few since there were so many to choose from and I was thinking about just putting a few of them together in a jar. I scrolled through a few posts on the internet about the best succulents for little sunlight and walked to the register. That day I had no idea what I got myself into. For those of you who have succulents, you probably know exactly what I'm talking about and for those of you who don't, let me quickly explain. Succulents are kind of addicting. There is such a wide variety of them and it is just so relaxing replanting them into containers and seeing a cute little touch in your home. The only other thing I can relate it to is candles. Many people are always burning them and purchasing new ones. Succulents are kind of the same way except they don't run out of wax, you just end up with a plethora of them! So fast forward a few weeks, one of them was getting kinda sad looking. I did a search on what I could do to save the plant (I do this type of search a lot because I lack the green thumb) and all I read about was propagating. I had to try it. If I were able to grow my own succulents I wouldn't ever have to buy them again. So here I was with my sick plant gently pulling off the few leaves that still were strong. I put them on a paper towel and left them in the window for about a weak or two until a scab grew over the broken end. I then started spraying some water on them a few times a week. Sure enough, roots began to grow from the scabbed end and before I knew it I was successful at propagating! After the success I pulled a few leaves off of other succulents and a few weeks later, they were growing roots as well! It has now become a small enjoyable hobby propagating succulents and it is such a nice gift to give especially because you grew them yourself. This is one of the many simple things that make me happy!


Saige IMG_6923.JPGIMG_6923.JPG

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