*SRIKAYA, is a plant belonging to the genus Annona originating from the tropics. Srikaya fruit is round with many-eyed skin. The flesh is white.

  • itemScientific Name: Annona Squamosa

  • itemHigher classification: Annona
    Srikaya fruit is a plant that can live on dry land, rocky and get direct sunlight. This one plant is said to have originated from the West Indies and grows in the Americas mostly in the Central and South. this fruit is also grown in tropical Asia including Thailand, Malaysia, including our beloved country is Indonesia. In Indonesia, srikaya plants are generally grown in the yard, cultivated or grow wildly, and can be found up to an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level.

     Characteristic of srikaya tree (nona) that is plant or plant type shrub with tree height about 2-7 meter, thin tree bark, bark of color have brown color, and bear fruit after 3-5 years old
  • itemCharacteristic features of the leaves of srikaya plants are stemmed, stiff, and the location is intermittent. the leaves of the leaves have an oval shape until the jorong is narrow, the tip and the base point, the flat edge, the length of 6-17 cm, the width of 2.5-7.5 cm, the leaf surface is green, the bottom of the green is bluish, the leaf bone pinnate.

  • itemcharacteristic feature of srikaya flower is located on the young branches are generally in the series 2-4 buds, length reaches 2.5 cm and the color is green yellow.

  • itemwhile the characteristics of srikaya fruit is spherical or conical and has a bumpy surface, the color is white powdery green, and the cross sectional size is 5-10 cm. When the fruit is ripe, the men will separate from each other. the color of the skin is bluish-green or yellowish green, while the flesh is white and sweet. Seeds on ripe black ripe fruit .

*Talking about the benefits of healthy, of course closely related to the nutritional content / important substances that exist in it. The chemical content of this fruit juice include:

  1. itemThe content of srikaya fruit
    flavonoid, borneol, kamphor, terpene, and anonain alkaloids, amino acids, fruit sugar, and mucilago. on young fruit contains tannins.

  2. Srikaya root content
    saponins, tannins, and polyphenols.

  3. itemThe content of srikaya seeds
    polyketides and a bistetrahidrofuran derivative, acetogenin, fatty acids, amino acids and proteins
    and here are some names of diseases that can be prevented or treated naturally with traditional ingredients based on srikaya or nona. Essentially the benefits gained for health.

  4. item.Overcoming the intestinal worms
    how to simply provide 15 sheets of srikaya leaves that have been washed clean. Then boil in 5 cups water and let stand until the remaining 3 cups. Remove and let stand until cool, then strain and drink 3 times a day with 1 serving of glass each drink.

  5. itemTreating ulcers and ulcers
    to treat ulcers or ulcers you live provide srikaya leaves that have been washed clean. Pound the leaves until smooth and give a little salt. How to use the paste on the affected skin. Allow to dry and replace 2-3 times a day.

  6. itemOvercome digestive disorders
    Rub on the stomach that hurt the impact of srikaya leaves mixed with a little coconut oil.
    Treating Diarrhea
    Slice a small bark of fruit srikaya fruit then boiled using 4 cups water and add brown sugar, let it boil until the remaining 2 glasses left. after cold filter and drink boiled water 2 times a day.

Bring boils
So that boils quickly ripen to quickly erupt. You just provide srikaya fruit flesh that has been cooked and then finely milled and add a little salt.Tempelkan dough on the boils you suffer

fainting and as a sedative
Prepare srikaya leaves to taste then wash and mash until smooth. Then close the collision on the nose of the sufferer so that the scent is smelled by the sufferer.

Overcoming Scabies
you simply provide 15 sheets of srikaya leaves, wash and pound until smooth. Mix with a little whiting while kneading and rub on the skin of the scabies. Do it regularly 2 times a day until healed

Overcoming head skin
just prepare 10 grains of seeds of srikaya fruit and its leaves approximately 1 handful. Pound both ingredients and add a little coconut oil while stirring until evenly distributed. How to use the stick adonanm on the head and wrap with a cloth or towel. let stand for approximately 3 hours then wash until clean. But be careful not to rinse water into the eye because it can lead to inflammation and irritation.

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