A Male Marijuana Plant

I’ve always been a bit afraid to mention anything about my relationship with Marijuana online. I guess I never want a future employer to judge me for it. But I’m not an irresponsible person and don’t feel ashamed by my medical or recreational use of the plant. I don’t abuse it. Would you not hire a wine drinker? I treat my use like a glass of red wine or some dark chocolate. It soothes my anxiety, helps my digestive system find balance, and is a beautiful muse for creation, whether that be music, writing, or something else. I know all the stereotypes given to people who use marijuana and while some like to fit themselves into one of those categories, you’d be surprised by how many people hide their use under the straight cut guy next door image.

I worked in the industry here in Colorado. I was there to open up the store here in Boulder, the first day Colorado could sell recreational Marijuana legally. It was exciting. It was fun. It was historic! I met tons of cool and interesting people from around the world and by now, some years later I have experienced the differences in rules between Colorado, Washington, Oregon, California, and Alaska. It’s pretty crazy how different the rules all are.

Anyways the point of this post is that I’ve never actually seen a male marijuana plant. Of course the female plant is the one everyone prizes because it’s where the smoke-able buds come from. And no one wants a male plant around otherwise your buds could get pollinated and that’s how you get seeds. In fact I found some in my bud a while back and decided to plant one. And who should sprout but a handsome male plant. I figured you all might want to see him. His pollen flowers remind me of wild grasses. Pretty cool to see, if you ask me.

The more yellow “flower” on the bottom is one of the pods opened, waiting to pollinate nobody. Sorry little guy. To the compost pile with you.

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