Turi Plantbenefits for the healty (herbal)

Turi Plant

Many turi plants we find in the yard of the house as an ornamental plant or on the roadside as a protective tree. This plant can grow in areas with altitude below 1200 meters above sea level.

Leaves, young pods and flowers from turi plant can be eaten as a vegetable. White flowers can also be steamed and eaten as pecel. Young leaves and twigs contain lots of protein and can be used as animal feed.

Turi plants that have red flowers are commonly used as medicinal plants. Part of turi plant that can be used as medicine that is root, flower, leaf and bark.
The flowers are efficacious as skin softener, conditioning and laxative.

The leaves are efficacious for relieving pain, urinating laxatives and liquefying blood clots. The bark is nutritious to relieve pain, vomiting, tonic and febrifuge.

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