Green tea and its benefits.


Hello friends of @steemit, green tea is well known for its antioxidant action, it is useful for combating cell aging.

Leaf buds and young green tea leaves contain the highest percentage of antioxidant principles found in nature, useful to counteract the formation of free radicals, responsible for cell aging. The polyphenols present are anti-radical, even more potent than vitamin C and E.

The antioxidant action is mainly given by flavonoids and, in particular, by catechins that contribute to support cardiac functions and contribute to maintaining a good state of health. These substances also reduce LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides, thus exerting a protective action against cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. It is very useful to combat the negative effects of smoking.

The synergistic action of polyphenolic derivatives (flavonoids, chlorogenic acid, caffeine, tannins), which is the mixture of these substances, has a superior antidegenerative property compared to that of individual active ingredients, confirming the thesis that phytocomplex Vegetable is much more active than individual components, isolated and purified. The set of active ingredients, in fact, is capable of protecting brain cells from damage typical of neurodegenerative diseases.

Regular consumption of green tea counteracts the loss of cognitive faculties and would help prevent the onset of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's syndrome. A true elixir of youth for the brain; In fact, it seems that drinking green tea regularly guarantees freshness and efficiency to brain cells.

Green tea is the slimming; due to methylxanthines (caffeine, theobromine, theophylline) with an effect on metabolism. They have hypoglycemic action, because they reduce the absorption of sugars; and lipolytic, since they favor the elimination of fat from adipocytes, by enzymatic stimulation. Therefore, these substances promote weight loss, favoring the mobilization of fats located in the adipose tissue and their elimination for energy purposes. The consumption of green tea is also useful to reduce the risk of hypertension.

This detoxifying action is expressed through diuresis: favoring, as we have said, the elimination of fats and sugars through the drainage of liquids, the intake of the plant is indicated in case of water retention, cellulite and urinary tract infections like cystitis

One cup of green tea a day increases bone density in menopausal women due to its powerful remineralizing action, which promotes bone and tissue metabolism. In addition, the high percentage of fluoride allows the mineralization of the skeleton and tooth enamel.

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