Some things I'd like to focus on in 2023 involving Hive

It's going to be a bit of a general list but for anyone wondering here's kind of a rundown on the things I think will bring a lot of value to the platform that I'd wanna be focus on and use my influence here and through OCD to continue work on this year. Keep in mind a lot of the things may be correlated to one another and I may not go into great detail about how I plan on fulfilling each of the roles but maybe it's something that may inspire others to do the same or assist with.


With OCD's current onboarding program I believe we have a good shot at scaling it up and continuing to see great progress in it. There's been some very dedicated onboarders so far in the program who've shown that using the tools we've provided it can be quite efficient to onboard people, guide them towards their Hive starting experience and make them become regular authors and participants in the network in more ways than just writing and socializing. A few communities from the Philippines, Venezuela and Vietnam have shown great engagement towards authors being onboarded and thriving on Hive, we notice this because even before our votes are cast upong their content its already filled with comments. This is what we love to see on Hive and after our onboarding period is over seeing them thrive on their own by using communities and growing a following let's us know that the way we have it set up is working as intended and can scale quite well to reward both the onboarders and give the onboarded users a kickstart in the Hive journey and stake.

We'd like to explore more ways to make onboarding easier and are working on some ideas that may require some funding to make reality. As always we'd like to start small, see if it works and then after mass-produce it at hopefully still manageable costs to both the rewards pool and relative to the size of our chain if it's funds we're requesting from the through initiatives such as @pettycash, etc. Most importantly we want to keep everything transparent in terms of costs and transactions but at the same time also value those spending their time actively looking to grow our ecosystem to compensate them fairly. More info on this hopefully soon as we fine-tune the process and get in talks with people who could get it going.


This is of course a big one as well, my hobby project that strives to drive traffic towards any and all front-ends on Hive with incentives to share #web3 content. One of the biggest things we'd like to do here is grow the posh ecosystem in terms of usecases for the base currency, then also work on the tokenomics a little more to make the token harder to acquire and potentially the price to be enticing enough for bigger influencers to gain and interest in joining and sharing their own or other's web3 content on Twitter and other platforms we'll include (currently working on Reddit).

We've yet to build solid plans of which route we want to take in terms of funding, we know we've worked quite cheaply in the past to make due with post rewards and we thank the community for trusting in us that those rewards will be used solely for what we've said we'd use them on as we understand that collecting rewards through automated posts is frowned upon but we're glad people have made an exception considering POSH is there to support the Hive ecosystem as a whole and reward participants fairly.

Long term we'd like to explore if we could receive funding from the DHF as there's some options that the post reward pool won't be able to cover if we're going to scale the project up but exact details are yet to be determined. We believe, though, that with our minimal working product we've convinced the community of the effects and value POSH is bringing to Hive and hope they continue to see it that way when the time comes.

More ideas and plans regarding POSH, and hopefully some new releases soon such as the long awaited POSH PETS to be shared with everyone soon. These things take time and manpower, unfortunately.


With communities we'd like to continue incubating and assisting them in rewarding participants and growing the niche the way we've been doing the past couple years, geared towards communities that are different enough and have a big demand currently in #web2.

We'd also like to help tokenize some of the communities in our incubation in the same vision as most of our activity has been (for instance POSH launch), through fair airdrops and solid plans so they'll stand out. We may possibly use the POSH "battle chest" to help get these started and in return ask for some tokens in exchange which will belong to POSH which eventually ends back to providing value for those sharing Hive and possibly the new front-ends of said communities.

With tokenized communities we also want to build bridges to allow investors from all over the crypto sphere to invest and participate in the success of said communities, not just content creators and curtors. Which is why we've considered having POSH be the "seed investor" as some of these plans may cost quite a bit but we wouldn't want it to go towards single people to keep the airdrops fair and speculators/investors interested. More plans about this soon.

Hive still maintains one of the best propositions and solutions to the issues of #web2, we're looking forward to be a big part of growth and distribution of stake in the near future. While the crypto market is still not sure of our existence we believe that the things we've worked towards such as scalability, cheap upkeep & startup and community-first oriented are one of the main strengths of Hive. Even if others can emulate what we do we know that they will choose not to because they either wouldn't want to give up the power of control or the potential of profits through unfair distribution.

Let me know if you have any questions about my future plans, if maybe you'd like to get involved and help out or if you're curious about what we do currently on Hive through accounts such as @ocd, @ocdb, @ocd-witness and @poshtoken. Thanks for reading!

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