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Planned Maintenance

  1. Compare maintenance planned- Maintenancescheduled for forecast maintenance - predictive maintenance

Planned Maintenance - Presumption of maintenance operations according to a regular schedule in order to prevent mishaps and maintain proper functioning. This maintenance requires prior planning and coordination between different departments in the organization. There may be a situation where the machine parts function will change and therefore its maintenance will change.

Forecast maintenance - learns the activity using machines / devices and offers a forecast to anticipate problems that may occur in the future. It is also possible to predict when these faults will occur and to plan the actions necessary for their prior adjustment. There may be a situation in which parts of the machine are replaced that are still operating properly and need not be replaced or assigned hours of work to the workers.

  1. Choose an example of a complex system / machine. What knowledge is required to perform maintenance according to the forecast. How can such knowledge be obtained?

An example of a complex machine is a washing machine. This machine consists of a large number of components that affect each other and perform various actions - water flow, mixing, extortion, drying clothes. If one of the operations fails, the entire machine is disabled. In order to maintain this complex machine in a predictive manner, preventive maintenance depends on the frequency and use of the machine according to the manufacturer's instructions. You can purchase the knowledge required to maintain a washing machine through the instruction manual attached to the product at the time of purchase or through various guides on the Internet.

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