Welcome To PlankTown Under The Sea!


Ladies and Gentlemen!! Boys and Girls!!

Welcome to PlankTown, Under the Sea!

I am very pleased to introduce you all to the magical world of


As the creator of PlankTown, @thebugiq, I am very honoured to be joined by the wonderful artistry of @derosnec and my PlankTown pard @globocop.


Creator, writer & vocalist for PlankTown. You can find me in PlankTown going by the name Plankie! More often than not, you will find me getting myself into trouble with the lovely redheaded BlueBerry Krill!


Creative genius. The fathomless artistry of @derosnec brings the stories and songs of PlankTown to life with her wonderful drawings and animation.


Chris the Hat Hatfield "Globi" Globocop is sitting in the operations and production chair. While he wears many hats, his favourite is his cowboy hat. You can find him in PlankTown going by the name Globi. Not only is he the Sheriff in PlankTown, there is a rumour he may be hired as the town Chaplain one day. Another building going up in PlankTown!!

I invite you to follow along

with the many marvelous adventures as the characters of PlankTown live life in the ocean depths.

Don’t be surprised

if real Steemians are featured in guest appearances. You never know, it could be you!!

For today I would like to introduce you to

Plankie and his girlfriend, the gorgeous, red headed BlueBerry Krill, as well as Globie, our beloved Sheriff. Remember, no weapons are allowed in PlankTown so no one is allowed to carry flags!


Plankie & BlueBerry Krill


Sheriff Globi

On behalf of myself and the creative team,

I want to thank you for joining us.

It is my sincere hope that,

first and foremost, you will enjoy each and every episode. More than that we hope you will become our fans and supporters.

See you around the sea!!

To PlankTown Under The Sea!!

©The PlankTown™ name, characters and all content including images and text are the sole property of PlankTown™ and may only be used with express written permission.


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