[PL/ENG] Pasta Gigi Hadid 馃崫 / Pasta by Gigi Hadid 馃崫


Ostatnio podczas przegl膮dania Tiktoka odgrzeba艂am przepis, kt贸ry gdzie艣 mi zagin膮艂. Stwierdzi艂am, 偶e trzeba w ko艅cu go zrobi膰, bo bardzo du偶o os贸b go chwali. A chodzi tutaj o przepis na makaron Gigi Hadid.


Recently while I was browsing Tiktok I disinterred a recipe, which had went missing. I wrote that I have to do that finally, because many people crack up this recipe. And of course, we are talking about pasta by Gigi Hadid.

Najpierw obieramy cebul臋, podsma偶amy i w tym samym czasie gotujemy dowolny makaron.

First of all we have to peel an onion, then we fry it up and in the same time we cook pasta.


P贸藕niej dodajemy 2-3 艂y偶eczki koncentratu pomidorowego i 艣mietanki 30%.

Then we add 2-3 spoons of tomato concentrate and cream 30%.


P贸藕niej dodajemy przyprawy. W moim przypadku s膮 to: papryka s艂odka, s贸l, pieprz, czosnek granulowany. A no i jeszcze dodaj臋 zwyk艂y :D

Then I add seasoning. In my case: sweet pepper, salt, pepper and granulated garlic. And I add also normal garlic :D


Na koniec dodaje makaron i jeszcze posypuje parmezanem :)

Finally I add pasta and sprinkle with Parmesan :)


Mam zamiar robi膰 wi臋cej przepis贸w, wi臋c postaram si臋 pod ka偶dym postem od teraz dodawa膰 linki do innych przepis贸w :)

I am going to make more recipes, so I'm going to endeavour to add links to other recipes under my consecutive posts :)

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