Stopped By Comet Pizza Tonight

I live in the area and a friend of mine had a Doc appointment and I gave her a ride- turns out it was only two blocks away from CP so I decided to stop in and have a read of the energies.

I'm really tuned at reading energies- I don't think that's a gift or makes me special- we are ALL capable of that it's just a matter of recognizing that as our most powerful sense- intuition. Of course that doesn't bode well with the pure 'logic and reason' crowd so you can close this post now and move on. I'm also a very scientific guy that respects logic and reason BUT it takes a back seat to intuition and reading energies. I can read a being's energetic output by merely seeing a pic of them or some other very casual contact- all that stuff is floating out there in the 'source field' and can be easily read by anyone that acknowledges that this library exists.

Here's the funny thing- I was getting some strange looks from some of the employees and a few other folks in there- particularly the ones emitting VERY dark energies. This will sound silly to many and if it does I suggest you meditate on tapping into the energetic library of the cosmos that naturally allows all beings to read energies- the first step in that is acknowledging it's real.

Anyways I have a certain energy signal as well and I suspect when in the company of dark energy beings they know it good and well. I knew I was being looked over several times but never even looked at those doing so. After her appointment my lady friend, who is pretty much oblivious to all of this, whispered in my ear that two of the employees were looking at me and whispering back and forth.

There were plenty of kids there- sort of sickened me as I think this is a pizza place where the pedos congregate- folks who otherwise look normal but in practice are anything but normal.

I think the barkeep was suspicious of me- very cold and short with me initially but I made an effort to win her over- easy to do with a few tales from my bartending days.

Anyways I don't believe in coincidence - there was a reason my friend's doc appointment was only a few blocks away from Comet Pizza- I was meant to visit there tonight but you know what? I don't want to sound as if I'm talking smack because I am not an egotistical being- my priority is the awakening humanity and being of service to others BUT I couldn't help but get the feeling that many of the beings in there this evening picked up on my energies too - I almost felt as if it was sort of a putting them on notice visit. I was friendly and courteous and not at all abrasive or confrontational but I really do feel as if they had no problems reading the energies I brought into that house- perhaps that's one of the satanic pedophiles only redeeming qualities is that more so than the average Joe on the street they understand and are sensitive to energies- they know the very real power of intangibles in this universe.

Oh and no I didn't see JA but I sort of wish I had. I wanted him to feel what was up in his house tonight as well and send him a 'we're coming to get you MFer' on an energetic wavelength- I'd be surprised if he too didn't easily read such energies. One thing is for sure- I felt their fear this evening- they are scared - as the should be.

Anyways- glad I stopped in for a couple of drinks- about time I showed my face there : )

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