How Bush Senior's Boy Sex Slave Got Involved The Valarie Plame Affair

Sherman Skolnick writes of the "Homosexual Underground" and says this is not a Gay Bashing exercise.
Johnny Gosch went missing as a boy in 1982. The government refused to look for him. Then Skolnick comes up with a photo Johnny and Bush together. He tells how Bush Sr. would encourage his son's homosexuality with the future mayor of Knoxville, Victor Ash. Skolnick believes Jeff Gannon is actually Johnny Gosch. His mother didn't see him again until 1998.

Boy sex slaves were used in spy operations. Jeff Gannon got John Roberts upstairs with Bush Jr. where they were given information that outed Valorie Plame. Valorie Plame had 70 people under her deep undercover operation when she was exposed by Robert Novak. Some of those 70 people were killed as a result. All of this occurred while Coca-Cola was accused of cooking its books just like Enron, and Coca-Cola was tied into it all. Very interesting stuff.

Sound crazy enough? Don't worry, because now we're going to go into crazy overdrive. All of this occurred just before the death of Hunter Thompson who was writing a book about the Washington homosexual underground. Skolnick believes hunter was suicide. Skolnick goes on to say that Coca-Cola major stockholder, Warren Buffet, invested heavily in what he called the Homosexual Underground in Boys Town Nebraska.

This must have sounded crazy back in the Bush era. He also talks about how Mark Rich, pardoned by Clinton, used the Chicago Stock Exchange as a cover and front for the illegal harvesting of organs from China's political prisoners. This was how the Chinese blackmailed the Bush Whitehouse over this to wrest technology secrets from the U.S.A. Crazy stuff.

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