Todays collection of pizzagate mind maps, leads and videos [+Offering to pay for accounts for prominent anonymous content creators]

I see lots of people getting put off or self-censoring because of the threats and hate surrounding this topic right now.

I won't be deleting any posts no matter what abuse I get, in fact I can't delete this post now even if I wanted to - it's been locked and archived.

I think it still represents an important early checkpoint in just a tiny aspect of a worldwide citizen investigation - before the sudden rise in misinformation and "fake news" accusations. Even if its eventually discovered to be completely false I want to live in a society where we're able to ask questions about these things without getting death threats.

Today I've been reaching out to a few of the best journalists and researchers I've found in the pizzagate community, and offered to buy them steemit accounts using some of the earnings from my recent posts. A lot of people are put off by the phone verification step, and won't purchase an account via anonsteem when there are "free" alternatives.

Like I've said all along this investigation has been a massive worldwide joint effort between mostly anonymous researchers on reddit/voat/4,8,endchan and chat rooms all over the net. I want to use some of the funds I've made recently helping get more good content creators on here.

The amount of information (and disinformation) is now pretty overwhelming , and lately I'm just trying to archive as much as I can.

Here's a small selection of relevant finds from the last few days.

Mind Map - Follow the money
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Mind map of international adoption scandals from 1994 to 2004 adapted from wikipedia :

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Mind map of companies and people involved in the Julian Assange pedophile smear attempt via

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Fact checking the PizzaGate code-words. They really are just the tip of the iceberg.

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I wonder why the BBC and New York Times keep trying to make pedophilia acceptable ?

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Researchers are getting more death threats :
Follow this researcher on twitter, youtube, gab

The New York Times has removed its article about Norway pedophile ring bust

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, View voat thread

Wikileaks has the CIA's manual for international assassinations

Read it on wikileaks

A plea to journalists to do the right thing.

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Interesting posts and leads

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