Andrew Breitbart - Was he murdered for investigating pizzagate back in 2012 ? [Compilation in progress]

Andrew Breitbart was a journalist, author and tv personality as well as founder of the Breitbart News Network.

He has been a vocal critic of many US policies, and towards the end of his life he was focussed on John Podesta.

This clip from the 2012 documentary "Hating Breitbart" shows the growing anger and resentment of Andrew towards John :

"Coincidentally" this documentary is also being claimed to be "most (critically) hated movie .. ever" because according to RottenTomatos reviews it has a 0% score from film critics , but a 96% approval from regular users. That's a little weird.

If you'd like to see the full documentary yourself , you may be interested in these lucky numbers 460FD935E47A6189031D46E4F3A87BA53C1FD2B5 ...

This wasn't the only time Andrew had spoken out publicly against John Podesta, towards the end he got increasingly agitated and made some powerfull enemies in John Podesta, Barack Obama, Planned Parenthood and Media Matters.

He claimed he had video that would harm Obama's re-election , and that both Media Matters and John Podesta were involved in covering up a child sex trafficking operation a full FIVE YEARS before the pizzagate story broke.

I'll try and dig up every related bit of information for these claims and archive them on the Steem blockchain.

Tweets from Andrew Breitbart

This twitter search query will bring back all tweets by Andrew between 2011-01-31 and 2011-02-04 -

I've embedded some of the most relevant tweets below

Breitbart Dies - cause of death : "Natural Causes"

On March 2, Crime File News reported Lasseter was walking his dog in Brentwood, Calif., when he saw Breitbart cross the street from the Brentwood Restaurant.

Breitbart was walking without apparent distress when he stepped on the curb “and fell like a sack of potatoes,” Lasseter said.
He noted that Breitbart’s skin color was bright red, which is not typically associated with heart attack victims.

Paul Huebl, who writes for Crime File News, reported April 22 that he interviewed Lasseter and added the detail that the witness was disturbed by Breitbart’s color.

As a former Army medic, Huebl knew that most heart attack victims turned blue.

Breitbart's Coroner then died of suspected Arsenic Poisoning

RussiaToday reported - What a coincidence! Breitbart's coroner dead from arsenic poisoning?

Archived at

Michael Cormier, 61, passed away on April 20, the Los Angeles Times reports this week. Although Cormier’s death is only being publicized now, the timing of actual passing actually came within hours of the release of the preliminary autopsy report of Breitbart.

Commenting to the Times on the latest news, Lt. Alan Hamilton of the Los Angeles Police Department says that investigators have not ruled out foul play in the death of Cormier. Authorities have yet to confirm how they believe arsenic entered his system — or if the coroner was deliberately poisoned — but Cormier passed away after being admitted to a hospital in Burbank, California last month after displaying symptoms typical with the illness.

Law enforcement sources told the Times that the presence of poison in Cormier does not necessarily point to a homicide as the substance may have entered his system by accident. However, the police haven't ruled out foul play, and Cormier's cause of death has been deferred pending further tests.

Alex Jones also covered this at the time :

Witness to Breitbarts death dissapears

The apparent disappearance of Christopher Lasseter, who says he saw Breitbart drop to the sidewalk in front of a restaurant, adds to the mystery surrounding Breitbart’s March 1 death.

This was the testimony given by the only witness to his death before he dissapeared :

Closing thoughts

Andrew made a lot of powerful enemies in throughout his career, and David Brock / Media Matters has done an extremely thorough job of defaming his character and spreading misinformation.

I'm struggling to find unbiased reports about his final days because of this.

Please feel free to add any relevant links or info you have on this topic, and I'll continue to update this post as the facts are uncovered.

~ @ausbitbank ~

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