Creepy and possibly cryptic little find............

Good morning all you wonderful people of Steem.

Whilst watching a YouTube video yesterday afternoon regarding the disgusting topic that is Pizzagate and Pedogate the viewer was invited to google search the Comet Ping Pong website. Now I (like many other awakened and awakening minds am not unaware of this scourge) had never personally looked at their website first hand.

I entered Comet Ping Pong in to the Google search engine and hit enter. One of the first entries was their Facebook page, now given that I am not a user of Facebook my access was maybe somewhat limited but 'most' of what I found seemed reasonably innocent. So I clicked back and continued scrolling downward in the hopes of finding their actual homepage (I still haven't been on it to this point) but what did catch my attention was a link to Besta Pizza........

Many of you will know of or at least have heard of the connection between Besta Pizza and Pizzagate. Especially since Ben Swann did his expose on it. So my nest thought was, maybe I should have a look at them rather than Comet Ping Pong. Especially as Comet seems to already get so much scrutiny. So I clicked the link and I was taken to an plethora of links relating to the small pizzeria. Now previous to this point I knew very little about this place (not that I claim to know much more at this stage). But I have found a number of curious and creepy reviews from various people, both infamous and regular people. I'll share them in no particular order.

Firstly there was a review by an individual who had visited the Pizzeria and received a very unpleasant experience however there was more to it to my mind. Here is the a cropped image of the review with the individuals details removed (however they can be easily found online).

Review 1

Best Pizza Review 1.png

What strikes me as odd on the face of it here is that for such a reasonably small Pizzeria, they need a basement?! Not to mention the sound of childrens voices from "employees kids" playing in the basement. Now I get that I have a very paranoid and suspicious mind by default but this still seems strange to me. But I want to make clear that I am not attacking anyone, especially the person writing this review.

Review 2Besta Pizza John Podesta Review.png

And here we go. This is possibly the one that could get me in the most trouble. But I don't give a rats ass!!! In my mind these people are below scum and those that defend and refuse to do anything to shine light on it are equally as culpable. Anyway I digress.
Now it seems John Podesta and the Clinton's loves this tiny take-away pizzeria so much that he felt the need to post a public review of the place for us all to see. What I find interesting is that someone as rich and influential as John Podesta feels the need to not only visit an establishment that is not only exceedingly small but only a take-away establishment. There is no way a customer could visit and spend time seated to eat. But for Podesta to claim, "Amazing "Pizza" at this establishment and myself and the Clinton's had some great times here!!" he must have visited more than once to grab food and go??
But I see so much more in this statement, especially in conjunction with the review I commented on above. He writes, "Pizza". Why capitalise the word and put it in "" marks? Is he implying he's not actually talking about Pizza? Also if He visited with the Clinton's on more than one occasion was that Hillary and Bill or was Chelsea with them? And if there were at least 2/3 or more of them visiting surely the proprietor would want them to have somewhere to rest comfortably without harassment and ease of eating their purchases. But if you check on the google maps image there are no seats, no space for seats..................but there is a basement!!!! This statement like the others are all very revealing and suspicious.

Review 3

Besta Pizza Rachel Maddow Review.png

Now this has to be the oddest and creepiest of ALL of the reviews I found yesterday and for several reasons. And I know for certain that I will not be the only one to pick up on the plethora of points within this statements by what appears to be Rachel Maddow of MSNBC fame.
Let me start with the very first line, "Not enough "sauce"on my "pizza". Now I understand that statement on the face of it, after all there are numerous other reviews commenting on the pizzeria not using enough sauce on their pizzas. But what creeps me out is the "" around the words sauce and pizza, as to my overthinking mind gives rise to thoughts that she is focussing on these words. And if I am not wrong these are key words along with "hotdog" "pasta" etc that are used to identify Pedophilia. So why is Rachel Maddow being so focal on them?? Especially when she could just write the sentence normally.
Secondly, "If you're looking for a younger slice you could do better elsewhere." I mean WTAF?!?! Who writes like this?? A younger slice!! And do better finding it elsewhere, like she is in the know somehow. The creep factor for this statement is, to my mind, off the charts. But I will let others be the judge.
And lastly and possibly most importantly is the final line of her review, "The GATEway to pizza is somewhere else." To me this line speaks volumes about knowledge of a location (maybe not so far away) where greater atrocities are being regularly committed. Again you can be the judge.

I apologise for the potentially bad formatting, I am far from being a wiz kid at this but hopefully the information was passed across well enough for anyone reading it to understand my points. And understand (not necessarily agree with) my confusion, disgust and downright anger!!!

But please, please feel extremely free to post any and all comments you feel are relevant to this topic, even if you think I am a million miles off base.

P.S. It is also worth noting when these reviews were posted. Namely how recently Maddows extremely creepy and possibly cryptic review was done. All of these were posted post-WikiLeaks revelations.

Much love to you all and stay safe.

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