Penelope my poor Pitbull girl

I want to introduce all of my 13 dogs...but start with Penelope called Nopsi...She was bought out from a terrible kennel, and was deadly sick...She had anaemia, abscesses, demodex mites, inflammations and more...but she is always a happy girl, never angry and always lovely. She was born on May 16th 2017 same date as our son,of course years later and she loves to play in the garden, and is crazy for her toys. She loves food and water and likes to hunt monitor lizzard if they sneak into our garden. This hobby she shares with her 12 furfriends here.I am so happy that here in Thailand nobody freaks out if you say...its a pitbull...they dont care, they see, it is a nice dog and thats it. And as Penelope lives together with chihuhuas and pinschers, sometime I think she believes, she is a mini dog too.

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