Pirate news (3)

Ahoy Pirates,

I am exhausted, for me it was already midnight when the raffle started and had quite some booz already. I now feel like the skeleton on the bow of my ship.

Canada pirate

I do not wanna see another raffle for some months now. If we spend the revenue wisely we can build up some more own steempower. My own donated loot, by the way, goes to the Canada Pirate, we all know him, the damn Damus pirate who bought 100 tickets the first week alone. Well done!

Thanks too to the organizing pirates who were on discord from two continents - we rule the world - ; the UK pirate is an IT wonder even without a smoke.

Our targets' language

This pirate has to go to spanish classes next week again. Learning spanish comes in handy for a pirate as this way he can understand what our favorite victims say when we enter their ships and grab their silver and gold. If they say "Hijo de puta" they are pretty mad and it is best to keep it short!

Express delivery service :

So the next weeks our express ship will sail the seas to deliver all the raffle loot to the right people including some non-pirates deserving even more attention. Our reputation is at stake here on steemit! We do need others ….sometimes !

Enjoy the weekend!

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