Pi Network - The first crypto you can mine on your phone!(for free of course =)

< Mobile Cryptocurrency mining are super easy with Pi network>
Mining for Pi Coin takes almost no effort but to simply make a single tap on the lighting symbol once a day. After that, you can continue to use your phone as normal or shit the screen off. Every Pi coin is continuously mined for the next 24hours in the background of your device without massive amounts of energy unlike mining bitcoins. The mining process doesnt consume any extra battery on your phone!!


< Who made Pi Network?>
Pi core team members are from Stanford grads PH.D with their objective of building a cryptocurrency and smart contract platform secured and operated by everyday people like us with simplicity.

< What can you do with Pi network coins?>
It is currently in beta phase but in the near future, it is expected to be,

  1. Pioneers can wager Pi to engage the attention of their members of the network by sharing contents or asking questions.
  2. Trade Pi coins with other members.
  3. Use Pi coin to purchase products in the Pi markets.
  4. Use Pi coin for an advertisement.
  5. Exchange Pi coin for ETH or BTC.

< How to join Pi network>


First, you can download Pi network through either Appstore or Google Store.


You can join Pi network using either your phone number of facebook account. I used facebook account and it was fast and easy!


Need to set up a password.


Pi network is in beta and you can only join the network thru an invitation code from someone who is already a member. You can join under my name(sychoi04) and be added to my security circle. We will be boyh eligible for faster mining process!!

Now you are all set!!!

You can start mining Pi coins everyday!! Just click thr lighting in the right hand side every 24hours and you will be accumulating Pi coins to make some passive income =)

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