Never make a pinacolada if you do not have a pineapple ! -What ?

Image is Public Domain - Randomly taken form google. - CC0

What ? ..............I just did 10 mins quick meditation and boom first thing came to my mind was this slang ! Second thing i did was share this slang and posted it on LinkedIn.

Why? ..............I wanted to keep record what i just what is the core ethos behind this slang that came to me is it just a random words that my mind mumbled or does it have any true meaning to sensibility. So i thought let's me make an article to validate this slang !

What will this article do and why article ? ...we live in this fortunate world of information and knowledge ! Ah we have ample resources / sources for getting information , blogs , websites , e-libraries, blinks, wikis and Li and many many more sources for (Gyan-knowledge that we have become self -validated information guru's and we share and connect to make us grow we have this pineapple(core resource) with us to make pinacolada(to make a wonderful end product from core resource which is unique and awesome.

So what ? We have the pineapple that we are taking about to extract the juice out or do we really have a pineapple to take the juice out? --sounds crazy correct but it makes sense to us when we think closely sipping our pinacolada. In short - We must have the right core resources and we must have the resources available to us to get our end result and we must have it on right time.

What are few things that represent pineapple in the business for an businessperson , yes I am not saying entrepreneur!--Why ? its a vast difference in being a business person and being an entrepreneur Ok whats your thought? i feel entrepreneurs are more about screwdriver as they need oranges for making juice compared to business people as they need pineapple ;) Lolz , if you are entrepreneur you might have got my point ;)

Lets select few good pineapples for our pinacolada ! Every successful business needs proper cash flow or working capital thats basic if cashflow management(Both working and non working) is not considered and planned wisely no matter how well blended the rum (the skills in a business person) may be the cocktail won't taste nice.-- so the bottom line is you need a working capital to make it work that is the reason it is called" working capital" because without working capital business won't work ...every business person must pen down this ...we need proper projection of working capital that it ..its the pineapple, without focusing on it we won't be able to have sound operation... would you buy a pinacolada with out pineapple in it ? thinks it won't taste like want taste like successful business.

Now second thought will come Oh ....i will have a investor for my business , they will help me with WORKING CAPITAL ---that works ....yes in the world of cocktail's you are the mixologist you can make it , but the problem is they are more focused on bloody mary ..spicy tangy and full of tomato they need both the value of fruit and vegetable at the same you might end up creating a new cocktail but still it will give you a kick.Anyways this part was not necessary but i just added to make this article cool .. i am thirsty for likes and share ...just kidding.

We must believe in ourself and focus on end results(Profit..more juice form less pineapples ) but at the same time we must also focus on what will be our working capital because its more about journey then destination , how we do business will determine how our service will be or our product and that will in end turn out are we about to give valued result for client or end user satisfaction because then only we will have repeat business to make more pinacolada's .

Note: This was just a random thought in my mind which i mumbled , please do share your thoughts below and i would be happy to know your favourite cocktail ? Thanks for reading , have unlimited awesomeness in life.

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