Summertime Chalk Art 🖌

A couple days ago I got the itch to do some chalk art so I posted looking for a little inspiration. I love art but am not good enough at it to just start drawing or painting something. However I found out a few years ago that I enjoy drawing with chalk on cement.

I do have to copy something though as I have a hard time visualizing something then drawing it. In the past I've drawn a Jimi Hendrix from a US stamp he was featured on. Also did an Electric Six album cover and some other things. Point being, I always copy something I like.

So the other day I really felt like drawing but was looking for some inspiration. I took to Hive to see if anyone had the inclination to toss out an idea. When I asked for suggestions I was thinking I might get some cool pictures or something I could copy.

Well, silly me for thinking that. I got one suggestion that was just, "Titties", one was just a picture from above of a woman doing yoga with what looked like spray on pants, and finally I got a, "a dick probably". suggestion.


While I appreciate the suggestions, and love some of those things, that was not the vibe I was thinking for my house driveway xD

Once the sun went behind the house it was about 6pm and I still didn't have an idea of what to draw. I looked at some album covers but nothing struck my fancy, then I was looking at art deco designs, which led me to search for, "surreal landscapes". Somewhere along the line I found a really cool drawing of a phoenix that I ended up saving for another time.

I must have been online searching for 45 minutes and was starting to get frustrated, then I happened on a really cool drawing of a tree with eyes that were sent in butterflies. It was cool except for the butterflies kind of ruined the vibe, but that got me to search for, "trippy eye drawing", and 10 minutes later I had found my design :D

It was probably close to 8pm by the time I got started drawing and I thought I'd have to finish the next day, but by about 9:15pm I was done.

So, without further ado, here is what I ended up drawing.



Those three pictures I got before I went in for the night.

This one was taken the next morning, which was yesterday.

Then this morning, at around 7, while I was enjoying my coffee I heard a thunder clap in the distance and about a half hour later It was raining.
It didn't rain much though, maybe five minutes, and it stopped. Then 10 minutes later another five minutes of heavy rain again.
This happened a couple more time until the clouds had passed.

And this is what we're left with.

I really don't mind though. In fact, I like that chalk art disappears and I go into it with that attitude, so I'm not disappointed when it's gone.

This was a fun design, and now I know that I need to stockpile some ideas so when I get the hankerin' to draw I can just get started.

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