Introducing The Gifu Token on the Binance Smart Chain

This is our official hive account for Gifu, started by @brofund. We wish (and we hope) that more projects would do this in the future and use Hive as an engagement portal in the same way it was intended and realized in the beginning.

That aside,



We're getting up and started, and this is where some of our funds will be stored. We plan to store a portion of our transaction fees on the hive blockchain in HBD earning that sweet 20% APR, and it's relatively safe. No crazy price swings, just pure earning 20% on our dollar stash.

Gifu is a unique token in the sense that it's a .gif token rather than a meme token, and we have a plan for the future. We hope to raise a nice amount of capital to hire a well respected Dev team to create a platform where gif creators can make branded deals with any business in exchange for some .gifs

Currently there are no rewards for .gifs. Our gifs get millions of views and we have earned nothing from them despite the lengthy amount of time it takes to create them. It takes quite a while to get a decent one done.

So we thought we'd insert ourselves into a market that would benefit from a web3 component -- although it will be a long old journey to the top. But we'll get there.

Are you ready to get your Gifu on?

Interesting things to note

So far:

  • GIFU is up 200% since launch in just 3 days
  • 4% of GIFU has already been burned (screenshot attached)
  • $600 of liquidity has just been injected, which will now lower price impacts when trading

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We've also gone and got ourselves a premium twitter account, so that should be fun! We'll be trying to get people into our telegram and discord. It should be fun.

Please make sure you join our telegram:
and also make sure you join our discord:

Marketing campaign on the cards

Right now we don't have the funds to finance a proper marketing campaign as the crypto market in general is currently dire, however that will change over the course of the next few weeks/months and we plan to get going with some really hardcore marketing. So now is your chance to buy in at a really good price.

You can buy using BNB with this link:

That's it for now but I hope you guys have a great time!

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