Thorny project

Good afternoon good afternoon everyone. I hope everyone is having a good day so far! You all like projects and working don't ya?! I do(sometimes) haha. My dad asked me if I had the time to start doing some bush clearing. So I got to work on it yesterday and did what I was able too. Got a little poked and stabbed up that's for sure. What I'm clearing out is a bunch of thorn bushes and rose bushes. Some pokey frickin things.


As dad calls me lumberjack El haha.


I don't mind doing yard work at all. I've made some progress on getting cleared what he wants. Taking a little longer then anticipated because I keep getting stabbed and cut open. I keep powering through as much as I can though lol.



As you can see where the 2 little trees are there are tons of thorn bushes going around the trees and just everywhere... He's wanting it to be level with the route he already has made back there before. Bushes kind of took over his little trees so I'm chopping and slicing things up a bit for him hehe. Thorns are kind of slicing me back. I can't count how many thorns I have in my hands and arms right now... Fun times haha



I got a little more then half of it done so far. I'm pretty sure I'll have it done by tomorrow or thursday at the latest!

Photo creds @enginewitty Thanks man.

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