Pilot and YouTubers fall for false curvature... LMBO


The ignorance of man at it's best.

Why is the "curvature" more curvy on one side, then the other side just slopes straight down?

Why does the reflection of the horizon on his visor not show the same "curvature"?

Why are there weather balloons that go higher than this without fish-eyed lenses and record no curvature?

The pilot, as much as the cam viewer sees the "curvature" that their perspective is giving them due to the thick, highly curved, cockpit cover. All planes like this have that. You can see the same curvature on a clear day at an even lower height like 2000 ft. They didn't show much of these shots, only ones with heavy clouds as the hide the horizon at a certain height.

To top it off as they pan the camera across the horizon, the "curvature" completely flattens out.
Yet their only amazed at the curve from a certain angle. Lol.
Didn't nasa say you can only see curvature from the ISS? I'm proly wrong.

But hey ignorance is bliss...

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