Pigface - beautiful plant, unfortunate name.

Pigface is the Common name for a group of succulent plants, the Mesembryanthemum and Lampranthus which are both native to Africa, and the Australian Native Pigface, Carpobrotus. All of these species of Pigface share similar characteristics... they are low-growing groundcover plants with green to grey succulent leaves. The leaves are fleshy and full of water, which means the plant will tolerate ( and prefers ) a well, drained soil and dry, hot conditions where it puts on a fabulous display of flowers in Spring and Summer. Pigface flowers come in almost any colour, and are similar to daisy flowers, although they only open up fully on days where they get full sun, not on cloudy or overcast days.

Pigface are a great plant for rockeries, and garden borders where they are planted in front of taller growing shrubs, or they are also good for pots. The trailing growth habit means they spill over rock walls, and this makes them ideal for hanging baskets too. You will find them very easy to grow, and will cover an area quite quickly. Sandy, well drained soil is preferable, as the plants don't like to have wet roots. I took these photos in local Sydney gardens.New 6 169.jpgnew11 030.jpg

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