SCN Picture Shiritori #2

Picture Shiritori

Shiritori is a Japanese word game in which one player says a word and the following player has to say a word that begins with the last kana (a sound that is formed by two letters) of the previous word. When playing this game in English, a player must say a word that begins with the last letter of the previous word.

For example, if Player One says, Dinner, the last letter of that word is R, so the following player must say a word like, Rainbow or Rabbit.

Last week’s words were Pasta, Hamburger, and Sake. In response to these words, @sift666 responded with the words Red Elephant and Red Dog by posting pictures of these things in the comment section of our previous post. @sweetcha made her own post and responded with the words Aloevera, Robot, and Ear. Using the D of Red, the A of Aloevera, and the T of Robot, today’s words will be as follows.







To participate in SCN Picture Shiritori simply take a picture/pictures of something or things that, when written, begin(s) with the letters O, E, or T. Then make a post that features your picture/pictures and leave a link to your post in the comments below.

We’re looking forward to your posts.

@sweetcha’s post can be found Here.

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