In May - Franz Behr

Second recording from the project to record every song in Maxwell Eckhards collection of piano songs for children. I'm learning to play the piano, guys!

Time to learn: around half an hour

Time spent on musicality: 15 minutes?

Time spent recording: oooof, an hour at least! So many mistakes!

Challenges: In music phrasing, usually a repeated phrase is played quieter. This piece is so simple that doing that is just irritating, so I tried to make an arc, and it kind of sounds like circus music.

Regrets: None, really, it's not that I'm super impressed with my recording, it's just tha in this case I feel very limited by the music.

No worries, I'm working on what will get recorded next, and I swear the complexity increases 80 percent in the next 10 songs.

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