Verifying Tesla’s theory - first experiments

If Tesla’s theory is correct then a discharge of sufficiently high voltage will attract atmospheric electricity. Here are the first two experiments that clearly suggest that this is indeed what is happening.

Discharge 01.jpg

In the first experiment we suspend a large metal ring around the high voltage terminal of a tesla coil which is known to generate roughly 500,000 volts.
Within 20 cm of this ring we place a ground wire. The tesla coil will now discharge to the ground wire via this metal ring, i.e. it will first discharge to the ring and then the ring will discharge to the ground wire.
Thus reasoning within standard electrical theories all the charge that comes out of the ring was added to it by the tesla coil as there is no other source.
What we see, however, does not match what we’d expect based on this. Look at the first discharge from the tesla coil to the ring (from the centre of the picture to the right); we see a band of thin purple discharges. Next take a look at the second discharge from the ring to the ground wire (in the left half of the picture); we see a band of thick bright white discharges. The colour and light intensity clearly indicate that there is more current in the second discharge.
If this is true then it is obvious that somehow charges were added to the metal ring other then through the first discharge.

Discharge 02.png

In the second experiment we surround the high voltage terminal of the same tesla coil with a hollow aluminium sphere. Now the tesla coil discharges to the inside of the sphere which in turn results in a discharge of the sphere to the ceiling. In this case we notice that the voltage in the second discharge was almost twice that of the tesla coil without the sphere. The tesla coil could not have added charges once 500,000 volts were reached on the sphere, but somehow charges were added until about 1,000,000 volt was reached.

These two experiments speak in favour of Tesla’s theory, which also gives the only reasonable explanation for the so called “stepped leader” in lightning strikes.

I know Tesla's theory is correct and I will provide more evidence in the (near) future. This is just a small taste of things to come.
I hope people will get as excited about this as I am, for not only will it bring a new source of clean energy it will deepen our understanding of nature.

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