The Mystery of Physics: The quest to crystallize time


Famous scientist and scientist Mitcho has a book, Name: "Physics of the Imposssible". In this book speaks about what the physics of an object "impossible in current science" could be in the future or at what level it was in the study. The first of these is "impossible Impact" - class one improbability. Here there are shields or force fields like star-trekers, huge spaceships like star-waves, invisible power, teleportation, communication with the intelligent creatures of different planets. The second is - class to impassibility: quick travel from the light, time travel and communication to the parallel universe. The last thing is - Class three impracilities: Perceptual machines and future looks.

Among them, a professional machine is a machine or system that can create endless energy without external help. Although in our country some days after the announcement of the discovery of the power of optical machines (without energy), but there is no such thing as Western scientists have accepted (perhaps Western scientists are far behind from our country!), Because it is directly Denying the principle of sustainability and the second formula of heat-motion. Sir Arthur Edington, Einstein's colleague scientist on the second line of heat-motion theory, has a quote, "If any source you create with the universe can be contradictory to any previously established formula, then you might think that there was a mistake in the previous formula, or an error in your test Was there. But if it is contradictory to the second formula of thermodynamics, then I can tell you that your form is undoubtedly wrong. "(If someone points out to your universe is in disagreement with Maxwell's equations - then much worse for Maxwell's If you are found to be contradicted by observation - well, these experimentalists do bungle things sometimes. But if your theory is found to be the second law of thermodynamics I can give you no hope; in deepest humiliation.)

The most obvious reason for a perceptual machine is impossible is that it is not possible to have a system that produces power itself if it does not give any energy. In addition to shifting system appointments, some power consumption will be required. So the power that is given to the system will be available to work less energy. So the question arises, is there any system that can be made within which some energy will be provided, which he can not afford anywhere and no one will take it from him, so that he will move his plans in life with that power? What kind of system would you like to see? It's an engine, it's always running, but it does not turn any wheel with this engine. Only the appointments can be kept inside! The name of such a strange substance is "time-crystal".

Phases and equilibrium

To talk about time-crystals, one should talk about the equilibrium issue first. Equation in physics means a situation where no "total" force (force) is working on the object. The reason for saying "total" here is that multiple balls can work on the object, but when "all" or "gain" will be zero when all the balls are taken as. This will achieve the stability of the object. Generally, all objects in the universe want to get this stability, in any way, according to the laws of physics, try to achieve equilibrium. Once an object gets equilibrium, then again he does not want to easily get out of there. If there is no gain force from outside, he should try not to accept the ball or destroy it in some other way so that his equilibrium is not lost (this religion is called "Regitiya").

Now there is a great deal of "condition" or "condition" of matter with equilibrium. When the material reaches a stage, we do not understand that he has achieved equality for that stage. Then the question comes, what is the condition? Or if you go deeper, what is the need to hold it? What is the difference between getting a status quo or running from one position as happy as possible? The answer is to be as happy as it is, but in most cases, the system's energy remains surplus, the result is chaos, which no one wants in the universe. Everyone wants to leave the surplus energy in the lowest energy level. And it is only available when there is no symmetry or cemetery inside the substance. Mathematically it can be shown that the acquisition of symmetry is a discipline where the system can be positioned with the lowest energy. That means, the substance always tries to break the surplus power by trying to get a symmetry and its result shows that it has stabilized (achieve stability) in a decade.

Relation between state and equanimity by an example: Let the water get a solid state, that means it becomes ice. It's a difficult phase of water. Why ice now ice? Why is he not like water? The reason is that the molecules of ice have achieved a equilibrium where they found a permanent address for themselves (in science, crystal lattice). Now they do not want to leave this address, leave home and go somewhere else. If force comes out from the outside, they will collectively send it to the ball somewhere as sound energy, or if necessary, it will break into big pieces, but will not sacrifice their molecular position. If forced to sacrifice, then enough force (in this case the heat energy) is given from outside. Which we see, heating the ice first increases the temperature and if the time does not increase the temperature then the ice becomes melting water. But the same thing again, may change the state for additional balls, but it will be in a state where they can again achieve a new equilibrium (in this case, water). In the case of water, this is the equilibrium of the temporary atomic atomic atom. There is a size in this equilibrium, but there is no size or shape like snow in the absence of permanent address.

Time and space symmetry

So much so that when I noticed something about the condition and symmetry, I found it to be all about the place. That means when we say symmetry, then the equation of the place means that. Let's give an example, think water is in liquid state. Now, if you look around in the microscopic world of water, you will see that many water molecules can run as fast as possible. The way you stand in the world, you can see 10 feet forward, or turn around half-round, or bend your neck, always look at the same condition all the way. The significance of this phenomenon is that there is a translation of fluid in the form of fluid in water molecules (rotation) and rotational (turn-binded) symmetry or symmetry. And this symmetry is "continuous" or "continuous" subject to space. Now let's go to the world of ice. All the molecules in this world are fixed in their position and everyone is equally decorated. As one room after another and molecules in different parts of the house nail in a particular place, and every new house is seen, the molecules are sitting in the same area in the same area. From the middle of one room to the middle of the other, it seems as if I am in the previous room. It is crystal symmetry or crystal symmetry.This symmetry only shows when it has reached a certain distance of the place (center of one cell to another center). Suppose, from the center of one cell to another, the distance of another center is 20 steps, if you go 10 feet, or walk 25, you will not look the same. If you want to get everything back, you have to move just 20 feet (in the picture). That is why it is called Discrete (piece-piece) translation symmetry. It's called discrete, because you get 20 feet, or 2x20 = 40 feet, or 3x20 = 60 feet to get the symmetry. If something happens in it you will not get the symmetry. So, going from water to ice, it means breaking down "uninterrupted symmetry" to achieve "isolated symmetry".

The reason for saying so much is that when we say symmetry, it is understood that something is being repeated with the place, when we say "isolated symmetry", then it is understood that this isolation is with the place. But how about the matter? By the time all elements display "uninterrupted symmetry", that means that in the past or in the future, if nothing is done outside, everything in the equilibrium remains the same, no symmetrical shape is seen separately. At least the physicists thought this way until 2012. But in 2012, Nobel laureate physicist Frank Willzek said that if there are different phases of the isolated symmetry for the repetition of the place, then why is it not for the time? According to Einstein's theoretical theory, space and time are not really different, but two should be said at one time, place-time. Can there be a symmetry for repeated repetitions in our four-dimensional universe, where "time-isolated symmetry" can be found by breaking "time-bound symmetry"? As a result, we will get a new state of matter? Wilkes named such a tenth element as Time-Crystal or Time Crystal. The ordinary crystal or sphero molecules are divided into space, they get fragmented or disconnected symmetry, and in this case they will be in time with In the example above, in the example of the crystal, the arrangement of atoms of atoms after every 20 steps is the same, we will see at this table, after every 20 seconds the atomic atoms are achieving the same pattern (notice in the picture, there is no symmetry with the space now, but time With it!).


According to Wilson, there should be any substance that has a low strength level, and during its equation, the atomic atoms can move in accordance with a symmetrical resemblance to the image above. Like a clock with the least power of strength, he is going to tick the life of his life! (Like a professional machine, but not a professional machine, because there is no way out of the system, which can be done to get a job out of it). In other words, the substance shows a discrete or isolated symmetry over time, which will appear in front of us as a new condition of matter. In addition, "state" means that even if the system uses a small force (or force) from outside, its symmetry will not break, it will hold ten degrees, ie "regimentity" religion. Although Wilseyek's theory was remarkable, in a few days, the major theoretical physicists and mathematicians of America, France, and Japan, calculated that there is no substance, but there is no substance in the equilibrium that it can not be possible in the equilibrium, without any external help. Can be ticked, or in the language of science, breaks "time-uninterrupted symmetry" Will achieve "disconnected symmetry" in the light.

But some scientists said that there is no such thing that there should be equilibrium, even in such a state of nature that there is no equilibrium (Equilibrium). Rather, there are atoms of atoms in such a state that they always work on less force (force) and they are always in the rush. Theoretically, the substance can contain "phases" even when it is in non-equilibrium (non-equilibrium). The question is, what is the state of non-equality? It is such a condition that the stability of the substance was not achieved by giving all the strength to the substance in the state, there is some energy that has kept the inside of the material in the rows, but in this rush, it also has achieved a symmetry or symmetry content. As a result, it is a condition that can be called a dynamic state (in which the kinetic energy remains). In 2015, scientists began to ask themselves, "Is non-equilibrium possible to get time-crystal?"

Looking for time-crystals

Princeton University Physicist Shivaji Shandhi Group was working with a special kind of atomic atom soup. They were heating the soup a bit later with laser rays and saw how the soup was hot. Generally, the soup would be heated from the heat, as well as the increase in chaos and chaos inside the atomic atoms. But they found that in a particular case the soup does not get chaotic or hot, he gets a "non-equitable status", where he left out the surplus energy obtained from laser rays. The study of Shivaji Jindhya, another physicist of the University of California Santa Barbara, was noticed by Chetan Naik. He was a student of Wilkes and he worked on Quantum substance in Microsoft's Station Q for his work. He thought, can it be possible to make time crystals from Shivaji Atomic atom soup? As they looked, it could be possible but it could be an obstacle. That is, the soup gets colder over time and comes from "non-equanimity" to "the state of equality". So they said that if we can keep the Atomic Atomic Soup in a "non-equitable state" then it is possible to make time-crystals from there.

At the same time Norman Yao, a University of California Berkeley scientist, was working on the same thing. He was working with the chain of nuclear particles placed next to Naik's nuclear atom soup in the imagination world. He saw that if this chain is moved from outside with a certain frequency of energy (in non-equilibrium), then the chain continues to vibrate in that vibration (i.e., if I rotate the rope with my hand, Once in a second, the rope will rotate around me once in a second). Now, if we were to do so, we would have divided the chains or ropes into a chaos and at the same time, we arranged that the parts of the ropes could be equipped with their own comfort, and then a strange thing happened. It is seen that the rope is rotated once every second, but the rope is rotating once in two seconds, or once in three seconds or the number of any other whole number. Speaking straight, the rope is rotating at one speed, but the rope is moving in its entirety, at a different speed. It is also observed that even though the speed of our outer movement increases or decreases, there is no change in the motion of the rope's own movement (Residitiya), as the rope has got a "state", it will always remain in it, unless there is a lot of energy from the outside. Not being broken.

Inspired by the study of Chetan Naik and Norman Yaw, Christina Monroe of the University of Maryland and Mikhail Lukin of Harvard came forward in 2016. In the words of Chris Monroe, our atomic atom soup was made, now we have to find the recipe, through which we can get time-crystals from the soup. Monroe's group accounted for only three spices in the recipe: 1 Something that will keep the atomic atom soup repeatedly and keep it "non-equitable status" An arrangement in which molecules can find an "isolated symmetry" between them and 3. An allopathic disorder, whose work is, to provide the surplus power from different shocks, to prevent soup from being absorbed and to get rid of it.

According to the plan, the group of Chris Monroe stuck at one of the places of atomic acid after ten etherium at extreme temperatures. After the number one condition of the recipe, after a little bit, the atoms started pushing with a fixed laser ray. It was found that, etherium atoms started moving in the same rhythm with laser rays. At the same time, according to the second and third conditions of the recipe, they continued to strike etherium atoms with another different laser rays after a specific period of time, so that the atoms are motionless but they can interact with each other. They found that the atoms were fluttering at the very beginning, but within a short time they stopped moving and started moving on a certain vibrancy. And the frequency of their movement does not match the frequency of any of the two laser rays, so that the atoms are moving around with time, finding the whole new wave itself. Another great thing is that once the "condition" or "phase" is achieved, the frequency of the laser rays can be altered, but the atoms do not change the frequency of their own movement. That means the chain of atoms represents religion "Regitiya". So these ten etherium atoms together make a time-crystal or time-crystal (picture).


The Lukin group of Harvard also performed almost the same test, but instead of atterbium atoms, used nitrogen atoms in the crystal of the diamond, the microwave wave used to replace the laser rays and the whole test was done at room temperature (25 ° C). By pushing new materials and different levels of wave at completely different temperatures, they saw exactly that nitrogen atoms are shifting over time with the same new frequency as the etherbium atom itself. And they also show "Residitiation" as they used to be, that is, there is no change in the frequency of the atomic wave of the atomic wave of the microwave wave. This proved to be sure that time-crystals existed in nature.

Time-Crystal Future

The most remarkable thing about the time-crystal in physics is to prove directly to the substance of the non-equilibrium and its phases. Whatever we have worked on so long, all the substances were basically equilibrium, when, in the non-equilibrium, when, what, how could it be that we are almost unknown. In the invention of time-crystal, the scope of research on the fairytale country was created.

There is no use of time-crystallically from engineering today, because we know that the material may have been there only two years ago. But one thing we now realize is that since time-crystals have been found at room temperature, it will be very easy to apply it in practical life. In particular, when we work on quantum substances, they are present in all areas of MILI-Kelvin or Nano-Kelvin (down to 272 degrees Celsius), which is why they can not be used directly in any common technology. The same problem with the development of quantum computers, most of the cubits (quantum computing unit) we have been able to create ultra-cold or extreme-cooling temperatures, which are not yet suitable for everyday computers. But time-crystal, since quantum material found at room temperature (which expresses the religion of the quantum world directly), so there is no restriction in using it for making future cubit.

When it comes to quantum computing, scientists believe that time-crystals can also help us to solve another problem. One of the biggest challenges of quantum computing is, when Cubit retrieves a single digit, then retain and retain that answer in the Cubit. Since Quantum State of Cubit is extremely sensual and passable, it is very difficult to always get the right information from here. Here the time-crystals can become our Savior because, as I said above, when the time-crystals go to a stage, they show Residiti religion, meaning that they do not move from their own position even if they are light-shattering from outside. So, the time-crystal-made cubits are also very stable and sustainable from other Cubits. Not only in Cubbit, but also in any other practical technology where extreme sensitive and transient quantum materials are operated (eg super-precise sensors), time-crystal can change the look of technology in all such places.

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