Introducing Steemit Riddles (Instagram: @iqriddles)

Hello Steemians! 

I found a pretty interesting riddle in a book I recently bought.  
The book is called: Einsteins Riddle Universe (German: Einsteins Rätsel Universum).
It is all about riddles that Einstein could have possibly thought of.
I'll share some of those riddles with you in a moment.

But first

I want to introduce you the #IQriddles.
Under that hashtag you can post any riddles that come up with in your mind or you'll find in the internet that could be of interest. If we make this hashtag grow, we will all profit from it. So go out and find some riddles to help me! :) 

Apart of that,

I decided to launch an Instagram page dedicated to riddles a few days ago!
The riddles are quite tricky but definitely fun and feel free to put your mind to the test!
If any of you are interested, I'll leave a link here for my page so you can check it out!


An example riddle from my book

Translation (by : 

Suppose Sam wants to catch a stationary bus. Before he can get there, he must get halfway there. Before he can get halfway there, he must get a quarter of the way there. Before traveling a quarter, he must travel one-eighth; before an eighth, one-sixteenth; and so on.This description requires one to complete an infinite number of tasks, which Zeno maintains is an impossibility. This sequence also presents a second problem in that it contains no first distance to run, for any possible (finite) first distance could be divided in half, and hence would not be first after all. Hence, the trip cannot even begin.The paradoxical conclusion then would be that travel over any finite distance can neither be completed nor begun, and so all motion must be an illusion. 

Clearly movement is possible. There must be a logical mistake. What is it? 

Thanks for reading

Keep in mind that I will be posting regularly here so an upvote and follow would be greatly appreciated!

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