Avoid Division. We all are One.

we perceive the world as isolated egos.
What does that mean??
We have a tendency to see people, or I should say life forms differently. This is an illusion that comes from our measuring and categorizing mentality.
It is called avidya, or ignorance & is seen as a state of disturbed min that has to be overcome.
Any division on any basis, may it be religion, sex, caste, region or anything else that divides cannot be good.
It is clear that we all have originated from Big Bang, only one source, a point source. So we were all one at that time. Even if you think that we originated from Adam and Eve, even then it’s a single source.
After evolving we divided the world according to our convenience.
Our aim here is to avoid these divisions and grow.
Some feel women are inferior to them. Similar is the case with some women. And even religions. You start feeling proud of yourself and start looking down on others. Religions were meant to explain the same thing but then man started using them for personal benefits.
In some way or the other, we divide the world to prove that we are superior than the others.
First we should understand that it is wrong to think that my religion, sex, caste etc. is superior than the other. These things were made to help men coexist. And with time some concepts become outdated & some new are formed to help us coexist.
We all depend on each other. Every soul that lives is connected with the other soul that exists(Soul here us used for living forms and not religiously).
So whenever we discuss any thing, we will see that we don’t divide & help the world unite.
All life is sacred.
We should respect all human may it be men or women,
We should respect all animals may it be a cow or dog or pig,
We should respect all plants may it a rose or a cactus.
It’ll help open your mind and will help you thing more properly.
I wrote in the introduction:

The society is split into different nations, races, religions and political groups. The belief that all these fragments are really separate can be seen as the essential reason for the present series of social, ecological and cultural crises. It has alienated us from nature and from our fellow human beings. It has brought grossly unjust ever rising wave of violence in which life has often become physically and mentally unhealthy.

I think now u understand what I meant by this.
Lets not bind our mind due to these divisions. Just let it free once.
Just start thinking and the chages will reflect.

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