The psychologist named five signs of a woman who will never marry

What is the secret of "successful losers"?

I'm young, beautiful, successful, I provide myself, and it's good. I have a lot of hobbies, a nice apartment and an expensive car. I'm also beautiful in bed. A man can not find. Normal men were raised ... "

Texts of this content with an enviable regularity appear in social networks. They are really truthful: a great many beautiful and successful girls can not get married. Why is it so, and whether something can be changed in this sad situation, we were told by a psychologist and sexologist Oleg Shevchenko.


  • It only seems at first glance paradoxical - that a woman, woven seemingly from one merit, remains alone. In fact, there are explanations for this, says Shevchenko. - What girls consider to be their virtues, in fact, is their shortcomings. I will list the five main ones - I am sure that "successful losers" will see that all these items refer to almost every one of them.
  1. Good work, a high position, a lot of money - all these signs of a successful woman in the eyes of men are not at all attractive to the one they want to see their future wife. Of course, the gigolo does not count - but none of the girls are looking for them. A successful career speaks of such traits of character as rigidity, self-confidence, high activity. Believe me - overly active women scare men away.

  2. The same successful girls like to talk about being sex goddesses. It is unlikely that such a statement will attract a representative of the opposite sex. Firstly, because the knowledge of the great experience of the chosen woman acts like a cold shower. Secondly, there is a fear of not being a "god" yourself - next to the goddess!

  1. A woman pays much attention to her appearance, often visits cosmetologists, hairdressers, uses silicone in different parts of the body, etc., etc. For most men, to touch such a woman is scary. They are subconsciously afraid of damaging such artificially created beauty, they can not relax and feel naturally.

  2. Most of the girls of the type that we are considering are very demanding about their partners. Still - if a woman considers herself perfect, then the man next to him should be appropriate. But criticism always has a bad effect on relationships. Even if a man is able to meet all the requirements of a lady, the very fact of having these requirements kills love.

  3. A girl goes to the courses of three foreign languages, is fond of rock climbing, dances salsa and rumba? But who told you that all this - its advantages? A man needs a beloved woman who will be next to him, and not be worn through courses and training. Family life is not a quest!
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