Laragon How to Install Laragon on Windows 10

Learn How to Install Laragon on Windows 10. So many of you want to install Laragon on Windows 10. I think most of the users have now moved to the Windows 10 from Windows 7. It seems like a good tutorial for those who want to know how to setup Laragon if you wish to run PHP, MYsql and other similar apps.

Check out the video.

What is Laragon?

Laragon is a server that you can install on Winodows. And it allows you to work with PHP, Nginx and MySQL. You can also install the additional apps like say WordPress, Laravel, Symphony and other frameworks too.

The video above shows you how to work with the Laragon on your system. That being said, if you are new to some of my videos, you may want to check out my views on helpfolder.

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