The solar eclipse….. from my vantage point

Afternoon everyone….

I honestly meant to put this in with my post earlier today, but I was in a rush. Since I promised @enginewitty that I’d post my picture today in my post.

Here you go brother…..

This is the only good picture that I got, it was cloudy most of the time of the eclipse. I got lucky right towards the end and we got a clearing.

I live in northern New Jersey and we had a pretty good version of the eclipse here. The path of the eclipse was only 45 miles northwest of my location at the time.


The photo was taken by me with an Apple IPhone SE 2020 version. I no longer own a camera set up, but I’d like to figure out a good camera set up for videos and pictures soon hopefully.

Maybe some of you reading this have suggestions on a good camera that does excellent videos as well as pictures.

That’s all for now. Hope you got to enjoy the eclipse yesterday, it was quite a sight. If not maybe you can see it next time. They are saying twenty years. Maybe I’ll meet you at the end path of it….

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