Monday Missions entry: Unconditional Love

Photo of My Wife and Our Cat

When I saw @qurator's Monday Missions topic of "Unconditional Love", I immediately thought of this snapshot I took a few years ago. This is my wife and one of our two cats, sharing a moment of pure love and affection.

It's not a professional photo, just something I took with a point-and-shoot camera that was on a table nearby, but for me, it really captures the unconditional love that our pets give us, and that we give them. I can't think of anything our cats could do that could ever cause me, or my wife, to stop loving them--and I think the reverse is true as well. I know that most of my friends who have pets or animal companions, whether they're cats, dogs, hamsters, horses, or anything else, feel the same way.

Thanks to @qurator for a beautiful photo and writing prompt.

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