Lonely Tree

Lonely Tree

This is a photo I took a couple of decades ago on a film SLR camera, and I was really pleased at how it came out. I had it printed at 8x10 (hence the graininess, which I also like) and scanned it at very high resolution. I scaled the image down so browsers wouldn't choke on it, but it's pretty true to the full scan.

I don't remember all the details, but the camera was a mid-range Canon EOS series, and the film was probably some generic ISO 400, which was my favorite for outdoor shots at the time. The scene is a cloudy, early-winter day on a university campus in the Northeast USA.

I used to be an avid film photographer, in the days when DSLRs were way out of my price range. Recently, a conversation with @markkujantunen, along with some of his photos (and those of other Steem photographers) have motivated me to dig out the DSLR I bought a few years ago and start re-learning how to take decent photos.

It's going to take a little while for me to get back in the photography groove, so I thought I'd post some of my old photos in the meantime. This is the first of a few!

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