#17 Photography - Bridges to burn or not? The Personality Test


To what extent would you keep that connection with someone?

My dad has always taught me, sometimes I gotta stay humble and calm when being offended in anyway. Try to keep the bridges that you made with people instead of disconnecting them. It is always better to make friends than an enemy. This principle was being taught to me since young, because for my father being a businessman. He meets customers daily. And when there are human interactions, there are definitely disputes. Why you may ask? Well, God made us in our unique ways that some of our thinking/personalities don't really match each other.

My dad does his own business in the consumer sector in Malaysia. He supplies consumables to coffeeshops and restaurants. Products ranges from chopsticks, plastic bags, paper cups, tissue etc etc. We even have our own factory to manufacture our own brand of detergent. Having started all this on his own, I admire his ways and how he has managed to grit through problems out there in this cruel world.


Here is my dad measuring a huge fish outside one of his customer's restaurant.

So Here's the question again

To what extent would you go to keep that bridge connected


I have burnt a few bridges and even made a few enemies myself because I just can't stand the attitude thrown at me. And I'm quick to back off from a heated offense against me. I would cut that tie off straight. But I'm still learning to stay humble and patient.

Personality Test

Solution : Better evaluate one another

Over the years, I've found this to be very helpful which I want to share with you guys. This has help me significantly have better evaluation of others. To adapt better into a certain environment, or to know to do the right things.

Brigg Myer's Personality test


Image taken from 16personalities.com

The main reason for this scientific test is not to say who's better, but i find it rather useful in helping place or position people who are in a team work together more effectively. To reduce conflicts and tension among group members. As Steemit is growing and expanding. I'm sure there are a lot of communities out there working in a group to strive for a certain goal. Why not take some time, and give the people this test to better understand their personalites and one another.

Some people have just the charisma to talk to clients. Some people don't like rubbing their shoulders with others. Some may enjoy a close knit group. Some love a huge crowd whether, strangers or not. Some lead by dictatorship, some lead democratically. All in all, it all matters. You wont want to be putting a person somewhere they dont want to be. We all want people working around us to be happy and comfortable and still churning out maximum productivity.

But what if I dont believe these stuff

Well, the Brigg-Myer's personality test is a self report with the purpose of indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world around them and make decisions. wikipedia

It was created by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Brigg Myers who presents that there are 4 psychological functions of the human mind in perceiving the world and it's surroundings.

Sensing, Intuition, Feelings and Thinking

And these functions varies from people. Some have more dominant traits of the other. So if you don't want to believe this, I can tell you that this is a theory that has been scientifically researched upon and many corporate businesses are using this to hire their employees and higher management. This have helped in the hiring process to get team members to fit into their working environment.

If it's beneficial, then why not? It wont take long just to finish the test.

This is not fortune telling, it is based scientifically

Taking the test is easy!

  1. It takes 15 minutes to complete a series of questions.
  2. You have to honestly answer all questions to have the most accurate results.
  3. Try not to leave any 'neutral' answers.
  4. Do this when you're free. Do not rush this.
  5. Do not get any opinion from others while doing this test.

16 Personalities


Remember! The results will change over different seasons, environment in your life

Let's say you have just gotten married. Your personality may change between you and your spouse. To adapt or some dominant traits of your spouse may have constrain yours.

Same goes to changing work place. You may have to adapt to the new culture in your new work environment. This will cause your personality to change as well.

So a tip, do take this test from time to time.

Image taken from 16personalities.com

'The Architect'

My Personality -The INTJ

Just a brief summary about my personality, INTJ. It’s lonely at the top, and being one of the rarest and most strategically capable personality types, INTJs know this all too well. INTJs form just two percent of the population, and women of this personality type are especially rare, forming just 0.8% of the population – it is often a challenge for them to find like-minded individuals who are able to keep up with their relentless intellectualism and chess-like maneuvering. People with the INTJ personality type are imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, amazingly curious, but they do not squander their energy.
Summary taken from 16personalities

On 16personalities website, they will also show you your strengths and weaknesses for your specific personality. It will show you how you build friendships, romance and how you would act in your family. It is pretty accurate for me though this test is not 100%. This is where you can use the details to fit or so to say, 'match-make' people in groups. Putting the right combination will have a great deal on whatever you're doing, where strengths covers weaknesses.

In Conclusion


Along my journey, I've met many people with different personalities. I've definitely burnt bridges with some who has dominant clashing personality with me who I just can't work with. I've met people who I can just click instantly, they're now my best friends. And I've met friends who are just acquaintances. No matter what, I've learnt a great deal to be humble when meeting people. Just like this tiny pebble on the road. We're all like this pebble, going towards our own direction, in the vast open world we call life.


If you like what I do, dont forget to check out my other posts on my artworks, photography & animations.


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