the beauty of roses

Hello steemians ,, !!

Rose is one of the many flowers known by many audiences.
This flower has more than 100 species that live wild in the wild.
Especially those that grow in the northern hemisphere that have cool weather, like tulips that usually grow in a cool place.
The rose is basically a bush plant that usually has a thorn and its height ranges from 3-5 meters only.
But, sometimes it can grow up to 15 meters. But very rarely.

** Hello steemians ,, !! **

Rose yana daya daga cikin furanni masu yawa da mutane da yawa suka sani.
Wannan flower yana da fiye da nau'in jinsin da ke zaune a cikin daji.
Musamman wadanda suke girma a arewacin kogin da ke da yanayin sanyi, kamar tulips wanda yawanci yakan girma a wuri mai sanyi.
Fure yana da kyakkyawar tsire-tsire mai shuka wanda yawanci yana da ƙaya kuma tsayinsa ya kasance daga mita 3-5 kawai.
Amma, wani lokaci zai iya girma zuwa mita 15. Amma sosai da wuya.


Most of the species of roses have leaves of 6 to 16 cm in length and each petiole has at least 4 or 6 to 9 or 14 leaves.
Roses that grow in the tropics like our country, Indonesia, most of the leaf must often fall out or fall by itself, why?
Because actually this flower is not a kind of tropical flowers.
That is why, in Indonesia we rarely see roses are always green leafy throughout the year.
Surely there will be a time when the leaves are falling away, it happens as a way of adapting (adapting) to the environment.

Mafi yawan nau'o'in wardi suna da ganye na 6 zuwa 16 cm kuma tsawon kowace dabba yana da akalla 4 ko 6 zuwa 9 ko 14 ganye.
Wuka da ke girma a cikin wurare masu zafi kamar kasarmu, Indonesia, mafi yawan ganye dole ne sau da yawa ya fadi ko ya fada da kansa, me yasa?
Saboda hakika wannan fure ba irin furen wurare masu zafi ba ne.
Wannan shine dalilin da ya sa, a cikin Indonesiya muna ganin kuren gargajiya ne a ko'ina cikin shekara.
Babu shakka lokacin da ganye suna fadowa, yana faruwa ne a matsayin hanyar daidaitawa (daidaitawa) ga yanayin.


The average roses are made up of 5 pieces of crown, but others also have only 4 pieces of crown, such as Rosa Sericea.
The color of this flower beragram, as pink, red, white, there is even a blue rose.
The spines contained in roses generally have a function as a hook or handle to easily climb and lean on other plants.
However, some species of roses that grow in areas near the coast have thorns that are cenderu
ng straight like a needle.
It is a form of adaptation to protect itself from damage by animals, protecting roots from erosion and retaining wind-blown sand.
That's the steemians ,,, a glimpse of roses.

Ƙididdigar wardi suna da nau'i biyar na kambi, amma wasu kuma suna da kashi 4 kawai na kambi, kamar Rosa Sericea.
Launi na wannan furen beragram, kamar ruwan hoda, jan, fari, akwai maɗari mai shuɗi.
Sannun da ke cikin wardi suna da aiki a matsayin ƙugiya ko rikewa don saukewa da sauƙi kuma a durƙusa akan wasu tsire-tsire.
Duk da haka, wasu nau'in wardi da ke girma a yankunan kusa da tekun suna da ƙayayuwa da suke cenderu
madaidaici kamar allura.
Yana da nau'i na daidaitawa don kare kansa daga lalacewa ta dabbobi, kare tushen daga yashwa da riƙe da yashi mai iska.
Wannan shi ne steemians ,,, a hango na wardi.


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