Photography 101: "Late night Photowalk @ BGC Philippines(Fancy Water Light & Streets)"

"Late night Photowalk @ BGC Philippines(Fancy Water Light & Streets)"


Hi! guys its late night when i took these pictures. It was after office around 9pm. I decided to go on a photowalk and see what i can see there. I always bring my camera with me.

You know i might able to see a once in a lifetime event and might able to take picture of it. Hahahah

Anyways, back to my story. While walkin i saw a hall way that was like an airport style. So i took a picture of it.

(All photos here are already enhance in Lightroom, But i didn't do match i just enhance it around 20% - 30%)

After this hallway thats we're all the fancy lights appeared. It is just a fountain but it was so mesmirizing watching it.


And i can't afford just to watch it, i took pictures of it. Again i was so reckless going near the fountain with my camera. But still i did it for the purpose of sharing these how beautiful it was

But being reckless means you wanted to take more good pictures as photographer๐Ÿ˜



Many people are also watching. Some of them are playing with the fountain. And i was able to took picture of it.

This lady was having so much fun with the water even do her dressed was soaked up in the water.

i wanted to play with the fountain but without my camera hahaha. If i will also given that chance ill also do that.



Seeing this fancy light was so relieving after a tiring work. Its really fun to watch seeing those color change every minute and with a synchronizing music it feels perfect.


(These was just enhance a little bit but it is literally color purple)

The fancy lights presentation last up to 10 minutes and it will rest and start again. I didn't wait for the second one cause it was so late.

These are the other shots.


I took a shot of these one for the purpose of orange and teal. I did'nt able to get the same output but ill try harder next time.


(This was all taken in my Canon EOS M3)

It was so late, but still i have fun. ๐Ÿ˜„ hope you like this post ๐Ÿ˜„ Always remember we are like the light of this world. Be a light that will share it to others so that we can make these place a btter place but a better place were we can live in ๐Ÿ˜„ Thanks for dropping by. ๐Ÿ˜„


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