The Snow has arrived!!

We woke up this morning to the most magical site - SNOW!! I have been loving everyone's posts on Steemit of the snow but been secretly jealous we don't have any... well now we do!! I was so excited to get out with my camera and go for a walk to see everything covered in beautiful snow! I thought I would share with you a little walk we took earlier!

Here you can see that it was so cold it had frozen over the lake, creating little pools of fresh snow on top! The ducks and seagulls were just perched on top of the ice.


Below is another shot of the lovely lake all frozen over. So calm and peaceful! I loved all the shades of white and grey.


Here is a photo of our dog, loving the snow. She has a little neck scarf to keep her warm. All the other dogs looked a little jealous of her today with it on! She absolutely had so much fun running around in the snow with her other dog friends today!


Here all 3 of them are just having the time of their lives ! The path lead into a forested area and I got all 3 of them to run towards me as I loved how they were contrasted against the white path.


I really like getting details so was taking lots of photographs of all the different plants and branches. All the trees looked like perfect Christmas trees!


We came across a tunnel to a further bit of the park, great for taking a photo of my husband ( also taking photos! ). We made our way round the park very slowly as we continued to take so many photographs along the way!


Here is another detail, it's amazing how much snow can stay sitting on such a precious little plant! You'd imagine with all the weight it would collapse.


Below were my favourite kind of trees! They just looked so amazing with the covering of snow, towering high into the sky. All the different textures and patterns they make are so pretty.


This little path with trees either side looked so picturesque, with colours left over from autumn on some trees. The view went on for miles!


Beautiful red berries in the snow, you can't get better than that!


.... and catkins too!


I really look forward to the snow, I know for a lot of people it causes so much disruption but it makes everyone slow down, and realise that nature really is in control... not us. Maybe it's natures way of giving us a day or two to just relax and enjoy the peace and quiet that comes with this weather. Whatever you think of the snow, I don't think anyone can deny it's beauty.


All photographs taken on a Canon 6D with the 50mm 1.8 Lens.


- Verity x

Photographs by me and copyrighted to me.
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