Dance photo compilation (ORIGINAL WORK)

¡Hello Steemit community! Hope you're all doing great, ¡Welcome to my 3rd photo post!

This last wednesday i showed you a little of what was my way through the beautiful world of dance through a photo session on the island of margarita made 2 years ago, today i will bring you a small but beautiful collection of varied photos that i have been recovering with the passage of time...

To avoid any kind of problems i affirm at once that i am the total owner of all the photos published in this post (besides that i am the one who appears in them)


This first photo was one of my first photos as a tango dancer, i was really nervous that day because it was also one of my first presentations in public, however, everything went perfectly and the skill of the photographer left this beautiful memory...


This one was taken the same day, here i appear with whom i could call the best dance couple i have ever had, she became my companion, my friend, my true partner.


This photo was taken in the city of Caracas in the first national tango meeting of my country, in the photo I appear executing an uprising to my dance partner Rebecca...

Victor y Genesis.jpg

This is the only photo for now that i have been able to retrieve from a homemade photoshoot organized by me and Genesis Torres (the dancer in the photo), this photo represents our best moment as a dance partner because unknowingly we were about to be promoted as a couple to the professional dance company of our academy.


To finish this little compilation here is the last photo i had as a dancer and that Genesis and i had as a couple, it was one of the best days of my life, this photo marks the end of a stage in my life and the beginning of new things , maybe one day i'll return to my costume and return to the stage as a dancer, we'll see...

These are the few photos that i have been able to recover, i am still in my mission to recover them all, soon i will be able to share more of what was my experience in the world of dance, this has been my post of today, I hope that they have enjoyed, ¡See you soon community!

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