I should be back- New photos coming soon!

Hey guys, I hope that y'all have not forgotten about me.

I do want to first start off with how I am really sorry for not staying active on this platform as many of you have delegated more than a little bit of your steem to me just to have to take it back and I just want to let you know, that was- or is- my intention.

There is no real excuse for my absence on steemit as excuses do not explain and explanations do not excuse. However, I would like to just say that I have been trying to fight for my company that I work for whom is getting sued for all the wrong reasons and so is the reason why I have ghosted for the last while. I started this job at the company to then later find out that a month into my employment there, another employee was trying to take them down legally speaking.

So yeah, that's been a fun little journey so far...

Furthermore because of all these happenings , I decided to get out for a little while on go on break to camp at a rather local provincial park with my family. I regret to say that I did not get too many shots, or even good ones at that, but, managed to salvage some of these opportunities.

The camp ground was a lovely location with a full man-made sand dune beach, but it was a really stressful time at best to say because we were not allowed to use any of the surrounding wood/ materials for firewood, as the park wanted the campers to buy their wood.\

Fair enough.

That's IF their wood was not so shitty and damp for only lord knows what from, and that they used what seemed like an un-burnable wood. So we ended breaking their rule after our third and last day being there ( and after spending almost $50 on their bags of wood) and used materials around us for the remainder of our time there.

That whole frustration with the wood situation had put a huge damper on our trip mainly because we had brought a charcoal BBQ that WHEN it decided to light up and worked, took 4 hours to cook anything and ALWAYS left a lighter fluid taste behind on the food.

My poor mother actually broke down in defeat because her "husband" before the trip was hounding on her saying she could never do anything on her own without him and made her feel like crap; and this was after the fact that she found out he was cheating on her with one of his exes. So, once she had found out she decided to go away for a bit and think- but was torn apart by his nasty actions and wording before departure that anything little that went wrong afterwards broke her down even more. So, as you can see, the wood not burning right, the charcoal not working, and a few little things here and there; just made the trip a little less enjoyable.


The few shots I did manage to get were ones that I took by accident, or that I don't remember taking ( I was a little bit under the influence {Drinking} lol ) and I actually didn't do too bad on them if I say so myself haha.


This little guy was something almost out of a disney setting, in the sense where he would actually sit there and i swear, watch the fire with us, as we ate our meal- as did he. He not only did that but he sat in my little sister's lap for a good ten minutes while eating some peanuts she held out for him. I have never in my life actually seen a wildlife animal be so comfortable with humans like that before; but I suppose that's what happens when wild creatures live where campers are always at.



It may have been the same day that the chipmunk sat in my sister's lap, that we went to the beach for the rest of the day or not, but I remember at least, that we did go to the shore and swam for a whole 6 hours. My mother had given me a lens ball about a year ago for Christmas and I am shameful to say that I have not used it since then but decided to take it on my trip this time around. If you do not know what a lens ball is, they are crystal balls that if you look into them, the image of what is in front of you is naturally flipped upside down.
So, we were at the beach and immediately took my lensball out and I think after about 65 shots and two hours of fiddling around with placement and such, I had finally got two shots I am happy with.



I can't really say much about that day other that we swam. Although that night was pretty cool. We had just finished grilling steaks on the fire (not the BBQ, We threw that out at this time) and by this time my brother and I were drinking a bit and decided to go down to the water as the sun set and just feel relaxed with everyone. And so, we did that but on our way down there we see what seemed to be a half burnt canoe in the sand. We dragged it out to the lake and set it back in the water to then sit up on the hill, drink some more, and watch the canoe slowly disappear.


Then we both heard confused noises coming from below us at the sandshore and had eventually figured out that our mother had lost one of her lens caps somewhere on the beach and she was vocal about her frustration out of losing the item. We make our way down there to try to help, but instead of me helping, I grabbed my trusty Nikon and took a photo of them searching for it hahaha, I know, I'm lazy!



That was about our whole trip in a nut shell ( HA! reference to the first picture) and overall I wouldn't say it was a bad experience but maybe one that could have gone by a lot smoother, but who knows?

Again I am sorry for being so silent on here, and I am planning on being back on here and more active helping others grow as I hopefully do as well!



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