Dandelion Clock Post Snow - Seasons Change

While I'm waiting for my new-to-me Pentax K30 to arrive, I'll share a couple of pictures I took a couple of weeks ago after our first snowfall of the season (yes, I live in the Wyoming Rockies - winter is early here.) This is using my husband's Kodak EasyShare Z981 - he loves that camera, I find it a little limited for what I need. But it's better than no camera! (I have spent nearly three years with point-and-shoots after I fell on my Samsung NX-11 in the winter of 2015 - the knot in my leg that took two weeks to heal was nowhere near as painful as breaking the screen on my camera!)

I love taking pictures of contrast, especially when the contrast is a seasonal one. I looked outside and saw that there was snow sitting on the top of these dandelions in the middle of the green lawn. I told my 11-year-old daughter to get some shoes/boots on and come with me (I want her to learn too, after all.) I think she thought I was a bit mental when I wasn't just content to take a picture, but I got down on my hands and knees to get the shots I really wanted - not caring that it was cold and I was getting wet...



My daughter wasn't as willing to get wet and dirty, lol. Oh well, maybe next time...

Today’s post is crossposted at: Steemit, Whaleshares and WeKu

Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
now also on: Whaleshares and WeKu

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