Turning the page to a new life

Sometimes, we need to let things go, to set ourselves free of the weight of our pasts. To have faith that time will heal all the wounds. And no matter how deep they are, to believe they will disappear.


You dedicated 18 years of your life to agriculture, working everyday to ensure comfort and security to your beloved wife and children, hoping that one of us would take over the farm and perpetuate the tradition. Sadly, none of your children wanted to.


I can't imagine the suffering of having to turn the page over two decades of your life. You have built a huge sandcastle that's now being engulfed by the ruthless waves of time.


I will never be grateful enough for all your sacrifice, your hard work and your determination. You continued to persevere through the obstacles of life and you gave your best day in and day out.


You planted those trees so now we can admire nature and breathe fresh air. We won't have the chance to see them grow, but someone you don't know will enjoy it, thanks to you.


I know how selfless and humble you are, but let me tell you how proud I am to have a father like you.

I know to put your past life to a rest and to turn the page to a new life is something that made you suffer a lot. But you had the courage to let things go away and disappear.


I'll always remember what you did for me and I'll always feel nostalgic of the moments we've had here. I fear oblivion to the point it represents a form of death to me. So, I'll make sure to remember those moments before they fall into oblivion.

I wanted to say thank you, and I hope you will enjoy your new life.


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