First entry


First post calls for some introductions. Hello! thanks for visiting.

I'm not the most wordy of people. In my education, it was engrained in me to let my work speak for me, however that's not how these things typically work. So if you are reading thank you for your genuine interest and patience.
Myself, I'm a designer, I think its helpful to mention that before this next bit. However, I kind of function more under the belief that people should not define themselves as one particular thing. I am me acting as "___". That might sound pretentious, but the way I interpret that idea is that we are all capable of contributing but we should contribute in the the way that is most genuine to ourselves.

I'd like to use this blog as a record of the mediums I like to explore.
Me, I'm acting as a photographer, a painter, a gardener, an architect, a printmaker, and whatever else i feel like trying tomorrow.

Lastly, because some time has gone by before we've had this chance to meet I'd like to throw some images below for you to view. I hope you like them. Please follow along if you like what you've seen and read. Comment if you'd like to share with me what you're contributing. People can be pretty awesome and I get really excited to see what good and great things they can do.
My very best,

Photograph, The High Line

Intaglio Print w/ Chine Colle, Landscape inspired by a Hike in Howth, Ireland

Monotype Print, Geometric gradient

Pen sketch, Drawn on a rainy day in the streets of Milan

Photograph, Building windows reflecting light on a neighboring building in Chelsea, NYC

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